by Matt | Sep 30, 2001 | Imported Entry
Well, yesterday didn’t quite work out as planned, but turned out quite well anyway. I got to play a little ultimate frisbee with the boys then hang out with Lauren all night. We were going to go to the jazz club, but the band wasn’t supposed to start playing until 11, it usually starts around 9. So, instead, we went out for coffee and then relaxed around here.
At some point, my bathroom started leaking down into the kitchen below and there was a bit of a panic. We told the landlord/office about it and they said they would send the maintence people over tomorrow.
I also was supposed to get to rolls of slides developed today but that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. The place I usually get them done changed their hours and they’re now closed on Sundays. I needed the negatives to show to my professor tomorrow. Hopefully I can do without them. We won’t start printing them until Wednesday, so I’m not falling behind or anything, but I may be considered “unprepared.” Oh well.
The last bit of homework I have this weekend is right up my alley. Get this, I have to surf the web and find pictures/stock photos/etc to use in a photo-collage. Geez, it’s not like I don’t already do that. How about you assign me a project where I have to check my email or something hard like that. hehe.
In other randomness, I started the new “new design” of the page. This time its horizontal! You guys will like it, trust me. Later.
Current Music: My mix (see below)
Current Mood: alright 
by Matt | Sep 29, 2001 | Imported Entry
Woot Woot Woot! Guess who just wrapped up his second live mix. That’s right. Yours truely. This time we went deep progressive trance. It starts out slow (115-125bpm) peaks around 155-160bpm and then cools back off at the end. And very well I might add. I really squeezed just about every track I had into this one. All those tracks I had found durring the summer that I never got to use found their way into this one. A whopping 15 tunes, which is a lot for only an hour mix. If you’re wondering about the track listings:
Goa Gil – Unknown
Darude – Sandstorm (before the storm mix)
Mekka – Diamondback
DJ Mary Jane – Rave with the Gods
Satoshi Tomiie – Love in Traffic
Kings of Tomorrow – Finally (extended mix)
Danny Tenaglia – Bottom Heavy
Darude – Feel the beat
Cosmic Gate – Firewire
Antiloop – I Love You / Trespasser (medly, my mix)
Mad Dogs – Sudden Journey (Leon Alexander mix)
Blue Harvest – Don’t Sleep (white label)
Darude – Let the Music take control (extended mix)
Sasha & Emerson – Scorchio (white label)
DJ Infiniti – 9pm Till I Break – (white label)
If my friends are interested, just let me know and I’ll get you a copy of it. Or you can still get my last mix which was made last spring. Ok, bed time. Later kids.
Current Music: (to cool down) Viva Ibiza Chill
Current Mood: Very happy and “Clubbed Out” (inside joke) 

by Matt | Sep 28, 2001 | Imported Entry
I had been talking with Nagle resently about people with the opinion that the US deserved last weeks attacks. I can’t seem to fathom why people would think that. I’m not naming names, but I have a damn good idea who does. It really makes me sick. They’re so blinded by their social reform bullshit that they actually think that thousands of people deserved to die and that American had it coming. Some bullshit about how America has been the bully of the worlds school-yard and now the scrawny kid is pushing back. Well, fuck you! I was reading links off of Chris‘ page and came across a post on Jen’s page about the exact same topic:
“WTF? We try to improve the world stage at large, make peace in a region that hasn’t known peace since before the time of Christ, ship equipment, food and money anywhere in the world that it is needed, send our young men all over the world to act as police in countries that have lost all organization or civilized government…. and we DESERVE IT? We can’t mount an organized campaign to enforce global laws against terrorism, use standard military strategy to make pin-point strikes against those who have frequently killed Americans and have committed the worst atrocity since the Holocaust, use every one of our considerable means to leave civilian populations out of the fighting, and want nothing more than to bring the perps to justice… and we are stopping to the level of scumbags who would use a flying gas-tank to destroy tens of thousands of innocents who work in businesses that help the global economy? And since when does ANYONE deserve random attacks? A woman in a skimpy dress does not deserve rape. A black man who has worked hard to attain success does not deserve to be pulled over because he drives a nice car. A white guy with a northern accent does not deserve to be called racist because he comes from a town where there isn’t a large minority population. And nobody, I mean NOBODY, deserves a ignominious violent death because of his or her nationality or his country’s foreign policy.
Pray for the victims… and for anyone who is stupid enough to voice such opinions around ME.“
That’s right. Anyone who even thinks about saying anything to that extent around me will have a facefull of me to deal with.

by Matt | Sep 28, 2001 | Imported Entry
Hey. Went dancing last night with Lauren. Great fun as always. Except we weren’t doing one of my more favorite dances. One of Lauren’s roommates, Liisa, is the dance teacher’s pet. He went around the room and asked what everyone’s favorite dance was so he could start off with something everyone was familiar with. We all said Swing except for Liisa who likes ChaCha. Guess what the lesson was. Yup, ChaCha. It wasn’t all bad though, we picked up a few moves that we could use in swing anyways. So, that was fun.
After dancing, we stopped by the supermarket and picked up some ingredients for a snack that Lauren just learned how to make. They’re really good. Basically they’re super pigs in a blanket. You take some peperoni and cheese and roll’em up in cresent rolls. Very tasty.
Today I’ve got to shoot another roll of film and go downtown to the Bursars office and straiten some stuff out. Hopefully that won’t take very long cause I’m not feeling very good at the moment and would like to go back to bed. Oh well.
Lauren’s also going with her roommates to South Carolina tonight which leaves me all alone. I’ll probably find something to do, if only to sit here and play hockey against Jason.
Current music: Weezer – My Name Is Jonas & Dropkick Murphys – For Boston
Current mood: Tired and a little sick 
by Matt | Sep 27, 2001 | Imported Entry
3D class went well today. I turned in my wire sculpture and got a great idea for a “found objects” piece for next week. I’ll explain more if it works out. I also found the post office. This may not sound very interesting, but I had been looking for the damn thing for a month and was quite pleased with myself. I also gave Jason a bunch of software. It’ll probably take him a good day or so to get his computer to the point where its “fully loaded”. It’s still missing all those little things that you forget to install after a reformat or something, like Acrobat Reader, Direct X, stuff like that. Stuff that you won’t realize you forgot until it doesn’t work.
Anyway. Tonight is dancing. Yah! Lauren and I have been taking lessons for two years now, on and off, different styles. Mostly swing and latin dances though. It’s a lot of fun. If you didn’t know me you’d probably figure I’d never be able to dance a step in my life. I just love to surprise people. At any rate, tonight is more swing, my favorite. Later.
Current Music: Brancaccio & Asher (Bedrock) – Lovely Day
Current Mood: Good 
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