Woot! Major site update… well,

Woot! Major site update… well, sorta. I took care of all my little random mistakes across the site. Like the “Home” link at the bottom of the page pointing to main.html instead of main.php, stuff like that. I also updated the “site”, “bio” and “images” page to reflect the new color scheme and to be a little more dynamic. Some random spelling fixes since my spelling skills suck, and some other random tweaks. I also started working on a “media” page. I’ll stick that up next week some time. I’m planning to put up some skins, wallpaper, CS movies, icons and other stuff I’ve made. It should be interesting. Ok, food time. Later.

Well, I’ve got a few

Well, I’ve got a few more places to try today, then I guess I might try resturants. Who knows. Anyway, I’ve got some shopping to do to. I need a few things at WalMart and a small list at the grocery store. My mom also just let me know that I got my last check from EB in the mail. I might just buy that CD player and then pay myself back with the refund from the school. After all, it is an “essential”. Have any of you know me to go without music, in my car or in the darkroom, for more than 30 seconds? Didn’t think so. After my stereo was stolen and my Discman broke, I was left without anything to listen to. I’m going to need something in the near furture, but I could just get a cheap one. But, then again… I don’t want a cheap one. I want this. Ok, time for food an shopping.

Oh, on a seperate note, Jason let Pete and I know that he’s going to be coming on Saturday, not Friday like we had originally thought. This should be interesting. I hope we can find Jason a bed quickly since Lauren’s dad is going to be taking up the couch on Sunday. At any rate, it’ll be good to have everyone back in town, I’ve been bored out of my mind lately.

Current Mood: Tired

Hey there… with the lack

Hey there… with the lack of luck around here job wise, I’m starting to think about whoring myself out to the world as a web designer again. Who knows… in the next few days, maybe we’ll see a “corporate” LI.net. We’ll see. Anyway, the first step in being a design whore is to have a cool buisness card. So, here’s the first of many ideas. Lemme know. Oh, and incase you’re wondering… thats my personal info thats been blurred out, not a random mistakes. Later.

As the thunder and lightning

As the thunder and lightning danced across the sky, I was driving home, soaking wet and defeated in my search for a job. I had gone to a few places before the sky had turned into a solid black, but all of those weren’t hiring. Actually, to be honest, every place I went wasn’t hiring. But after the rain started, it didn’t seem to make sense to go in and ask for a job after dripping all over an application. I drove over to the plaza close to my apartment, no luck at either coffee shop, they weren’t hiring. Same thing at the cigar shop next door. After that I drove across to the camera stores. I actually filled out applications this time, only to get the usually “we’ll keep it on file” when I was done. After that I headed downtown and went to the art supply store. They had just hired two kids the other day. Damn my timing. On the walk back to my car, the sky instantly turned black and dumped gallons of rain on me. I went from wondering where my sunglasses were to wiping water out of my eyes in under a minute. It was completely caught off guard. I was wearing fairly nice clothes of course; my charcole slacks, a dress shirt and my shoes. All were soaked instantly. I hopped back in my car, which I had parked in the middle of an open parking lot of course. I realized I wasn’t exactly “presentable” at the moment and decided to go home and change. I got home just in time. As I did, the power went out and wind picked up. The sky had gotten darker and it had turned into a full blown thunder storm. Actually, it’s still stormy outside as I type, so I probably shouldn’t be on the computer. Anyway, I turned on the tv and waited for a weather report. Guess what, there was only a 65% chance of light showers this afternoon… light showers my ass. Aparently, someone had actually looked out a window down at the station and as the weather man was giving his report of “light showers”, a storm warning flashed along the bottom of the screen. I was rolling on the floor laughing. Seems fitting. But, anyway, there was no luck in Jobville today, better luck tomorrow, I’m certainly a long way from giving up. Later.

Current Mood: Wet

Attention. Attention. Chris Kelly has

Attention. Attention. Chris Kelly has a date. I repeat. Chris Kelly has a date! Woot! Good goin’ buddy. Huzah!

“well, still don’t know what I am doing this weekend (at this point, it may be catching up with all the work I’ve procrastinated on), but on September 27th, I will be attending the Blues Traveler show here with a very lovely lady as a “friendly get-together”

Hehehe. Just pokin’ fun at you Chris. Later.

Current Mood: Happy for my friend