Hey there kids. All is not well in fairy tale land. It seems that Ani Difranco decided to cancel her Oct 16th show in Savannah. Fantastic. Now what am I supposed to do with these tickets? The box office was closed when I went by but it says “no refunds or exchanges” over every single window. I better get a refund or I’m going to be pissed.
Besides that aggrivation, I had to shoot some film today, which I DID get done successfully, which has been my single accomplishment today. Go me! On the downside, somewhere along the line I mashed up my toe pretty good. Not the thing to do when you’ve got dance lessons at 9. I put some stuff on it and a bandaid and hopefully it’ll be ok.
On the upside though, tomorrow Lauren and I will drive up to Hilton Head and spend the day out there. Also, Nagle is getting dragged to dance lessons tonight, which should be interesting to watch. Ok, a quick shower and a change of clothes and I’m off to dance. Later.
Current Music: Miles Davis & John Coltrane – Bye Bye Black Bird
Current Mood: injured yet accomplished
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