Suck… I’m bored. Not with

Suck… I’m bored. Not with life or anything, just with current computer games. This winter is going to seriously suck for us PC gamers, all the attention is on the new console war. X-Box vs Game Cube vs PS2. I could really care less. The X-Box is to over priced for me, the Game Cube is simply going to suck and the PS2 will still win with it’s large developer support and already huge game library. I wouldn’t mind any of the three… if I got them for free that is. I simply don’t have the cash flow to get back into console gaming again. Anyway, that brings me back to PC games. I’m bored. Have I mentioned that? I’ve played CS to death and cheating little ass wipes are ruining it for us true believers, I’ll wait for CS:CZ or HalfLife 2 to play again. In the past few months, since this summer, I’ve beaten Diablo II (again), Red Faction, Grim Fandango, Operation Flashpoint, Max Payne, UT: GOTY edition, and an entire season of Triple Play. I’ve also played Tribes 2 to death and have been killing time by playing HL mods like Day of Defeat, Box Wars and most recently The Opera. I’m not big into Online RPGs, so what does that leave me? Nothing. All the games my buds are currently playing are things like Acherons Call (sp?) Everquest and Dark Age of Camelot. Thats good for them, but like I said, I’m not really into online RPGs. I like RPGs enough, but I don’t have the extra time to become addicted to something like that. Someone please suggest something to play! I’m a half step away from dusting off my Total Annihilation and Rainbow 6 CDs!

How odd, comments seem broken

How odd, comments seem broken again. WTF?

Anyway, yesterday was very productive. VERY. I spent 8 friggin hours in the darkroom printing my final. I got there at noon and didn’t leave until after 8pm. I did get a lot of cool sutff done though, and I am a slight step ahead since I won’t have to panic and try and get things done at the end of the week. Go me!

It’s kinda funny, but you learn so much from being in a darkroom for that amount of time. For example:

-Girls take more “nudity” pictures than guys do. I’m serious. Over the past 3 years, more than 2/3 of the people to like working with “skin” have been girls, at least in my classes. Some of them even go so far as to reinforce the “super model” stereotypes and display other women as the preverbial “piece of meat”. All I know is, there were 5 people printing “portraits” last night. All of the photographers, with the exception of myself, were women, all of the subjects were women and all of them were nude except for mine. Who’s reinforcing stereotypes huh?

-Also, the more caffine you drink, the more you can see in the dark… or at least think you can. On the same note, Blue KMX still isn’t as good as Orange KMX. Good, but not as good.

-Techno, preferably trance, is the perfect music for the darkroom. PVD’s – Seven Ways double CD, Sasha – both Global Undergrounds, all awesome darkroom music.

-Lastly, try not to over-print things at the begining of the semester. That way you avoid running out of paper when you need to for a final.

Ok, I’ll get around to posting some of the prints for my final in a little bit. But, right now it’s food time. Later.

Hello there. Well, I got

Hello there. Well, I got the film back from the photolab. Things look good for tomorrow, I should have lots to print. I didn’t get the infared film developed though, but I will on Monday, the lab I went to couldn’t do it. Anyway, tonight Lauren and I will be doing a bit of dancing, should be fun. Then some well needed sleep. I think both of us are over-tired and stressed out.

This is random, but incase you ever need to do something interesting with potatos, check this out.

Also, I’ve just join PayPal. Why? Well, because I figured I’d like to give something back to you guys, but I’m too cheap to get it myself. That, and you’re helping me out so that I can become a better photographer by getting better equipment. So, every month, I’ll have a new nifty item to give as a reward to whoever donates the most. A little “I’ll scratch you back if you’ll scratch mine”. Some basics though: The total amount donated every month would have to be more than the prize itself… let’s say a minimum of $15, total. Second, I don’t mind shipping things over seas, but if the shipping cost is to high, you may just get a nifty digital version of something instead of a t-shirt or a cd. Those are too bad are they? Anyway, I’ll finish setting that up this weekend. Right now it’s dinner time. Later.

Well, the photo shoot went

Well, the photo shoot went well last night. I finished off 4 rolls of 36. Which, if anyone is doing the math, is 144 pictures. Hopefully they’ll be 6 out of those that I’d like to print. As for the plan today, I’m going to head downtown this afternoon to take pictures for Lauren for an assignment she has, then probably head over to the Bursars Office to do my weekly yelling and screaming. After that I’ll pick up the film I dropped off and head home to get something to eat. Later tonight there’s a dance thing that Lauren and I were planning on going to so tomorrow will be my big printing day. I’ll probably get up, go to the darkroom and not come out until it’s dark outside. Ah the life of a photographer. Ok, gotta run. Later.