Hey. It’s Thrusday again, which

Hey. It’s Thrusday again, which means that this week (month, year) is flying by. Tonight I’ve got a large photo shoot with Lauren which will probably take up a good portion of my evening. I’ve got 20 or so new ideas for interesting pictures I’d like to set up. Hopefully they’ll turn out well. This afternoon I’ve also got 3D class, which should be a breeze, I finished the project we’ll be working on and so I’ll probably get to start the next project early. I’ve I get ambitious I may finish it this weekend so I won’t be worrying about it next week. I’ve also got to do something about my money situation so that I have enough for supplies to finish my photo final.

This semester has been kinda weird in terms of work load, its been very speratic. I get tons of work on week, then nothing for the two weeks after. Odd. Either way, it all comes down to this and I hope everything turns out ok.

Lauren did a nifty thing last night and got me something to cheer me up a little. She got me an awesome chop-stick set and a stone lantern and tea-lights. My girlfriend rules. Not because she gets me stuff or cooks me dinner, but because she cares enough to try and cheer me up and make me feel better. Love ya honey!

Elsewhere, Jason got his car back, which is cool. The insurance company paid for all of the repair work, thinking it had something to do with it being stolen. They even paid for things that were obviously just wear and tear, like new spark plugs and a new battery. Cool.

Ok, time to get cleaned up and waste two hours in a class room. Later.

Well kids… I’m officially broke.

Well kids… I’m officially broke. Today I reached the limit of my credit card for the first time ever. You see, this wasn’t the original plan for how this semester would go. Originally, I was going to get a fat refund from my school loans and use it to pay off any supplies that I put on my credit card. So, the begining of the semester came and went, the loans were in “processing” and I was buying supplies with the good’ol Visa. Then, the loans didn’t work out, then the reapplication process startes, then the paperwork was messed up, etc etc. Point is, my credit card was supposed to be paid off a month ago and it never happened. So, today, trying to buy supplies for my final, it got denied. Great. So, I tapped into my always low bank account, bought some film and should be good to go. Problem with that is, I used money I was supposed to buy groceries with. So, I’ll starve but be able to make pretty pictures. Nifty.

Oi. But before all that, there was class. Color went ok, the critique was borring as usually but at least I had gotten my project done on time. Digital was the same and we have started working on the final in there, which, is also what I’m going to be shooting with the film I purcased. So, this weekend will be a shit load of work. Great. I hate finals. A lot. At least I don’t have it as bad as Jason, who, by tomorrow morning, has to have an 8 page paper done which he hasn’t started.

Oh well. Besides that, nothing much is going on. Everyone is cranking for finals, no time to play. I have a constant headache, which is probably stress induced but I dunno. Lauren is coming over tonight to make fagitas, so that’ll be tasty. After that I’ll probably watch some hockey and figure out how I’m going to go about setting up for a photo shoot with a budget of 0$. Wish me luck.

Current Mood: Stressed

Hey kiddies. Another day another

Hey kiddies. Another day another photo down here in sunny GA. I actually got some work done. After 3D class Lauren came over and we made some pasta and then headed off in seperate directions, myself heading to the photolab. From there I preceeded to whip up a half dozen image transfers. Combine them with my emultion lifts and the SX-70 manipulations I did and everything didn’t turn out half bad. All this was for a single Poloroid assignment which was the only thing seperating me from starting my final project. I think I’ll start shooting that this weekend. Print it next week and wrap up everything by next weekend. *Fingers Crossed*

Also, for those of you who don’t know, the new Paul Van Dyk album came out the other day. Rockin! Now I have yet another thing to buy once I get home. Newbury Comics, here I come!

Speaking of music. For you techno lovers… check out tranceaddict.com. It’s a nifty little site which houses full trance and techno music videos (alway a rare thing) and more live mixes than I’ve ever see outside of a file sharring program. Anyway, it’s worth a look.

Ok, sleepy time calls. Later.


SHIT SHIT SHIT! I just missed AMD Extreme tour coming to Atlanta. It takes 4 hours to get there and it’s nearly 2am. The thing starts at 6. Crap. Ok, for those of you who are wondering what the hell I’m talking about… AMD (the computer chip people) are giving away thousand of hardware packages, whole systems, etc at random locations across the US. It’s kind of like a treasure hunt sort to thing. They post the next location on the web site (here) a little bit before the event. Then they give out tickets to whoever is there at 6, then give tons of free stuff to the lucky winners. If you do the math, odds are there would only be a couple hundred or so people there, and from what I’ve heard, they give away around 200 boxes of stuff. Even if there’s 400 people who got up at 6am, thats still a 50% ratio. Thats damn good! Anyway, I was going to drive to Atlanta if it came there ( I figured it wouldn’t come here) but I checked the website to late. Oh well.

Ok, sleepy time calls… caffine wearing off… night night.