Ok, onto newer and less

Ok, onto newer and less harmful (cause Chris will probably beat me to death) topics. Check this out. It’s an online comic about a guy named Matt. How interesting. Hehe. Actually, if you read through the comics and the back issues, its really good stuff. I’ve been reading it for a day or so and I’m really starting to dig it.

Oh sweet goodness… he’s at it again… he’s finding fonts and downloading them by the hundreds. You simply don’t know what “load time” is until you wait for Matt’s font collection to initilize when you start Photoshop or Corel. Damn! At any rate, for you closet font-o-holics, check this out. Tons and tons of font-ish goodness. Mmmm, tasty.

Speaking of tasty… theres not mention of KMX Blue on the KMX Website… Odd… I wonder is Savannah is the test market for yet another thing. Who knows. Chris… have you seen this stuff yet?

Subject: DOA… I should really

Subject: DOA… I should really learn to keep my trap shut when I’ve had too much caffine, I do stupid things* like irritate best friends. Sorry bout that dude.

*see previous posts and comments below.

Matts new analogy: “Ok, what

Matts new analogy:

“Ok, what if suddenly Kodak decided to buy Agfa, Fugi and Ilford, thus becoming the worlds largest and most powerful photo product supplier ever. First, good old black and white products would discontinued in favor of more eXPert lines of color products. Then they would divide all their products into consumer and Professional versions, charge twice as much for the pro products and cripple the quality of the consumer products even though they’re still essentially the same. They’d claim that you could get more with the Pro packages but you’d only get the extra chemical features that should have been in the product in the first place. Then, after getting everyone to invest in one set of chemicals and papers, they’d change the formulas and of course none of the old stuff would be compatible. Eventually they’d just destroy the whole line of products anyways and usher in a new line of digital products. Of course they’d keep around the reall really shitty compatition so that the Justice Dept wouldn’t get on their backs. Companies that have interesting products but no chance in the market place. Of course they wouldn’t be compatable with the new chemistry, just to make things harder. Damn, don’t monopolies suck.”

This has been Matt’s Analogy of the Day. Sorry Chris, I’m still miffed about Media Player. And incase no one figured it out… I was talking about good’ol Micro$oft. Later.

Random quotes of the day:

Random quotes of the day:

“…no, the question is, exactly how many KMXs can I drink before my chest explodes” – Matt

” shit, this needs to be signed by my father, who is in Memphis… I’m not IN Memphis, for all of you who are keeping track.” – Jason

” class, THIS (holding up Matts work) is the level of perfection and craftsmenship that you can achieve with Photoshop ” – Prof. Christman (matts photo teacher)

Well… I’m feeling slightly better. Lord knows how long it might be before the caffine wears off, but hey, what the hell. I was pleased with the response to my Photoshop project (obviously) and even had time to get out early again, run downstairs and print a few Poloroid type 669 prints before leaving for home. Nifty.
Tonight I’ll turn a few of those Poloroids into emulation lifts for class on Weds. Tomorrow I’ll need to go back and work on a few “image transfers” but that should be no problem. Ok, I’m going to try and nap now, but odds are that won’t happen. Later.

You ever have one of

You ever have one of those days where everything goes wrong…

“…so, every day that you see me… that’s the worst day of my life.”
” wow… thats messed up.”

I didn’t get a “Day Lab” from overnight check out because the girl infront of me got the last one. I forgot to get paper for class and had to make an emergency dash to the store. I woke up late and had to speed down Abercorn to get to class. I had to fight for 10 minutes for a parking spot. Now, since I didn’t get the “Day Lab” I have to spend all afternoon here in Bergen instead of going home and sleeping like I want to do.

There is a small upside. Very small… but tasty upside. I’m talking about new BLUE KMX!!! Yes, thats right, my favorite extremely caffinated beverage is now available in “Blue” flavor. Go get some! Ok, class time now. Knowing me, this will probably go wrong too.