Arg. Fucking Civ III. Damn

Arg. Fucking Civ III. Damn it to hell. See, the problem with that game is not that its addicting, but that it’s aggrivating in an addicting way. See, it’s a trun based game, meaning, if you want to do something (move a guy, build a city etc) you have to wait to do it. Thats aggrivating. You need to “just get that guy there” or “just finish this one building” … then you’ll stop. Or not. I hate addicting games. I don’t have the time to play them. So… why am I playing Civ III. Because I wanted to see if I’d like it, so I’d have something to do over break… but I got sucked in early. Must stop playing. Must finish finals this week. Must… try… to… resist…

Dispite wanting an adventure, it

Dispite wanting an adventure, it seems like I’m destined to have only a smaller version of it. The “rents” are dead set against a bus. Completely and overwelmingly against it. They’d rather have me fly. Now, I appreciate their consern, but the plane ticket would be twice the price and they wouldn’t be able to help me out in buying it. So, they want me to take the more expensive, more nerve-wracking, method of travel but are not going to be able to help with the extra cost or metal anguish I’d put myself through if I flew. Great. But, as far as they’re concerned, a plane is still faster and safer and I should just quit my worrying. To demonstrate this, they book a flight for my father for next week to come down. I again tell them it’s completely unnessisary to no avail. I can feel myself working up towards “one of those fights” were I leave and don’t speak to them for a decade. I love’em, but they’re really annoying sometimes. Anyway, I looked up plane tickets on both AirTran and Travelocity and the cheapest I could find was $230, round-trip, Boston to Houston. I would stll leave the 19th, still be home after New Years, but for some reason they have less of a problem with that then a bus. My mom obviously didn’t like the idea of me being gone for the season, but she gave me the backhanded guilt trip of “if it’s really what you want…” I dunno. Lauren and I will figure out some way of getting me to Texas for the holidays. If only her damn family wasn’t leaving the 22nd. Thats the worst possible day they could have picked. Arg. Oh well, that ones out of my control. I’ll just have to work around and and my folks are going to have to deal with it.

Current Mood: tired and crappy

Well, I wanted an adventure,

Well, I wanted an adventure, and now I might have one. Seeing as how another plane crashed today, not terrorist related, but disheartening none the less, I don’t see how flying to and from TX at this point would be “ok” with anyone, let alone with myself. Nonetheless, I’m determined to somehow get to Texas over break. You see, Lauren’s parents were originally going to go on vacation to Colorado the week after x-mas, and I was invited. That unfortunately didn’t work out and now they’re going from the 22nd till the 30th. That was kinda crappy since it covered both my birthday and x-mas. Lauren and I however, have stumbled apon a low cost alternative to flying: a Greyhound bus. The only catch being that, well, it’s a bus, AND that I would still not be in NH for the holidays. Now, the cheapest fair would be around $130, which is really good, and would have me leaving the 18th or 19th and returning on the 3rd. So, I would be missing both the holidays and my birthday. I have a sneaking suspicion that my family won’t like that very much.

Lets break down the good/bad:

-Seeing Lauren for the holidays
-Getting to ski in Colorado (a life long dream)
-Getting to “see the country” on my way there
-Getting to take pictures of my experiences
-Not paying for it

-Wouldn’t be “home” for the holidays
-Wouldn’t be able to work over break (thus having no $)
-Traveling for 4 days on a bus (2 out, 2 back)
-Buses are “sketchy” at best
-Would leave for school as soon as I got back

So, gimme some feedback here kids. I’d like some second opinions. I’m in heavy favor of going. I think I’d like the adventure AND I’d get to see Lauren. But, there’s some downsides to every up side. Lemme know whatcha think, I’m interested. Later

As I am very caffinated

As I am very caffinated at the moment, I think I’ll take time to reflect. The reason for this is the occasional personal evaluation that one goes through when they’ve reached points of emotional, social or educational poignancy. A “how’s my life doing” sort of thing. As I’m looking at my life, I see that I’m very happy, that I’m very loved, that I’m doing well in school and in general. I have my health, I have well being. I have all those good things with the exception of one. Experience. I don’t mean things that you can put on a resume or show to others. Lemme explain. This whole feeling started after I was told, yet again, that I “needed” someone to drive back to NH with in a few days. I don’t “need” anyone to make the drive with me. I’m a perfectly capable person and can take care of myself long enough to make it home. At least I would hope so. I’m not unappreciative of the company, but I simply wanted the “experience” of making the drive on my own. Let me go deeper. All of my life I’ve lived in the same town, known the same people, done the same things. Now I’m in a new place, at school, but I can feel myself finding a comfortable routine again. The same things, the same town, the same school. Now, lemme mention that I don’t want to change anything about what I have. I love my friends, my school, my girlfriend in particular. All I’d like to do is to have that one nifty adventure. Just one. The one that you tell your grandkids about. You see, I’m feeling left out. I’ve never gone anywhere outside of the eastern sea board by myself (thats not completely true, I did go to TX, but that doesn’t help me prove my point). Point is, I’m jealous of Nick, Chris, Josh and any of my other friends who have been able to take that step and see whats out there. For example, Nick, one of my very good friends, has become quite the traveler. He’s visited the northwest, Savannah to visit me, Alaska to work for the summer, and now he’s visiting Ireland with Nicky for two weeks before backpacking across Europe, spending New Years in Galway and working on computer games over in England. Chris, my best friend, has driven to Washington DC on a whim to see DJs play, gone to Seattle to interview at Microsoft and otherwise has very good luck at finding extremely high paying flexible jobs. My cousin Megan is studying abroad in Spain, working as a designer for magazine. So one and so forth. You see what I’m getting at? Anyway, my goal in life has always been to experience it in it’s fullest, to have a good time, and to take some kick ass pictures along the way. I feel like I’m ready to pull out of the rest area on the highway of life. I’ve got my girl, my camera and I’m ready for some adventure.

As a post script, I’d just like to reiterate how much I do enjoy the company of everyone in my life, and this wanting for an adventure in no way relates to wanting to “get away” from anyone or anything. My friends and girlfriend are truly the most important things in my life, and I’d like for them to know that. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could all go on an adventure together?