by Matt | Oct 15, 2001 | Imported Entry
Woot! Guess who fixed things. Yups. Me! There are still some minor things to work out, but I think that for the moment, this will have to do. Eventually the image in the corner will be random and the colors on the sides and in the “time” down below will match, but those are just minor things. Good news is that I fixed the comment system, I finished the sub-pages, I fixed the text and I’m semi-happy about how it came out. Now the real fun begin again. Sorry about being flakey this weekend, I had a lot to do.
Anyway, on with my random little life. First off, the Ani Difranco concert has been “moved” not cancel. Unfortunatly its been moved to SC and a longer drive away. About 3 hours longer. It’s not that I wouldn’t drive the 3 hours, I would, and have, but I’m a tad disenchanted with this concert now. It’s nice that they’re putting one on anyway, but I had gotten nice seats for the original one, and I think the new one is general admission. Which is fine, but not when I paid $50 for seats and the kids in SC paid $20 for GA. I think I’ll just see about getting a refund.
In other musical randomness, Savannah isn’t void of techno after all. Well, on the radio at least. Every Saturday night, on 103.3, there’s a program called “Club Z” and it’s mixed live by DJ Capt.Ken. Which, btw, happens to be one of the silliest DJ names I’ve heard in a long time. But thats beside the point. It may be crappy house-techno, but at least its techno.
In movie news, it’s a good thing I waited to buy Monty Python & the Holy Grail. Their finally putting out a special edition around x-mas. Also, the new Godfather box set is out (and I want it badly) and the Moulin Rouge DVD is set to come out in December. Huzah! What a great season for movies.
Speaking of movies. I just finished watching “Harvey” with Lauren. A really great little flick staring James Stewart. Great movie. It starts out a comedy and adds in Zen-like life comentary along the way. Nifty. Already added it to my wishlist. (man, what a shamless plug…)
Anyway, it’s bedtime. Later.
by Matt | Oct 14, 2001 | Imported Entry
ARGG! ok, the page is “new” but far from done.
as of this moment the following things still need to be fixed:
-the font tags/style tags on posts preceeding the current post
-spacing and layout of fonts in the posts
-comment system broken
-comment system counter broken
all these issues will hopefully be resolved after dinner.
by Matt | Oct 14, 2001 | Imported Entry
test test test… testing new design. It’ll be fixed shortly.
by Matt | Oct 13, 2001 | Imported Entry
This is pretty cool. I’ve had 5 or 6 people in the past day or two say that they found the site and that they really like it. Thats awesome. I never really figured anyone but my friends would read any of this. Huzah! I think that stuff like that is really great and really shows off the power of the web. I have just one question though, and it’s not meant to sound defensive or anything but: how did you guys happen across the site? Was it a link from someone elses page, a search engine, etc? Just curious. Later.
by Matt | Oct 13, 2001 | Imported Entry
Hey. Damn I’m still tired. I figured it was about time to get up. I’ve got a lot of work today. I’m taking pictures for an assignment with “natural light”. Not my most favorite of topics but we’ll see. Anyway, I’ve already shot two rolls and I wanted to shoot a third just to cover my ass. After that I’ll drop off the film to be developed, pick it up after an hour, and head downtown to the darkroom to start printing. At least I have an incentive. Lauren promised to make some cinamon rolls if I got done around dinner time. Mmm, tasty…
But on a sour note (nice segway huh?) we got the last bills for the apartments utilities yesterday. After some quick math, it comes out to about $94 a person. Ouch! It would only be about $50 a person if it wasn’t for electricity. Electric itself is over $150! Is that high or am I over reacting? We do have 3 computers running and an air conditioner that is kept on a lot of the time. Hopefully it’ll be better next month since it’s getting cooler and we don’t need the AC as much.
Ok, I’ve got to get moving with this stuff. Later.
Current Mood: confused about energy prices
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