Oh, and I forgot. I

Oh, and I forgot. I broke the comment system about 10 minutes ago and so a couple of them have disappeared. I had deleted something that I wasn’t supposed to. Sorry. It’s fixed now. Night.

Apparently I was mistaken. Either

Apparently I was mistaken. Either way, it’s been fixed. I added Greg’s banner to the side and it’ll carry over to the redesign this weekend. That’ll probably be Sunday. I think. Maybe. *shoulder shrug*


Anyway, I made out like a friggin’ bandit today at Old Navy. I feel like such a consumer whore. They had the entire store at 50%+ off. It was silly. I got a very nice polo-shirt-ish shirt for $1.99! I got a jacket for $8. Pants for $11. So on and so forth. It was really cool. After my mini-shoping spree indulgence I felt kinda bad, but you know, I really don’t care anymore.

After that Lauren and I headed back to Savannah and had some dinner at a nice little Italian place downtown. Then we went back to her place and watched Life is Beautiful. I had never seen it and was quite pleased. Thank goodness is was the Italian version with subtitles and not the dubbed version. I’ve heard it’s horrible.

I appologize for being random. It’s late and I’m a bit tired. My spelling is probably horrible as well. Ok, sleepy time. Night, night.

Current Mood: Sleepy

Hey again. It seems that

Hey again. It seems that the icons I stumbled apon a short time ago belong to one of our fellow net-citizens. I had found both the Counter Strike and Simely icons at “insert random icon site here” and there wasn’t any sort of restriction posted for personal use. Apparently someone had stolen the icons from somewhere else. More exactly, from Greg Fleming at Dark Project Studios. My appologies to Greg for using the icons without permission. Anyone will tell you that I always ask before using things around the web (notice the Monaux banner below?) but there wasn’t a link in the zip I found. I wish I could remember what site I found them at so I could let Greg know… I’ll wonder through my bookmarks and see if it’s in there. Anyway, I’m redesigning the site this weekend anyways and I’ll certainly put up a link to his site.

Aside from that, Lauren and I are taking a day trip today up to Hilton Head. We’re gonna check out the outlet shops and browse around a bit and I’ll see if I can take a roll of film or two. Ok, shower time. Later.