by Matt | Oct 11, 2001 | Imported Entry
Hey there kids. All is not well in fairy tale land. It seems that Ani Difranco decided to cancel her Oct 16th show in Savannah. Fantastic. Now what am I supposed to do with these tickets? The box office was closed when I went by but it says “no refunds or exchanges” over every single window. I better get a refund or I’m going to be pissed.
Besides that aggrivation, I had to shoot some film today, which I DID get done successfully, which has been my single accomplishment today. Go me! On the downside, somewhere along the line I mashed up my toe pretty good. Not the thing to do when you’ve got dance lessons at 9. I put some stuff on it and a bandaid and hopefully it’ll be ok.
On the upside though, tomorrow Lauren and I will drive up to Hilton Head and spend the day out there. Also, Nagle is getting dragged to dance lessons tonight, which should be interesting to watch. Ok, a quick shower and a change of clothes and I’m off to dance. Later.
Current Music: Miles Davis & John Coltrane – Bye Bye Black Bird
Current Mood: injured yet accomplished
by Matt | Oct 11, 2001 | Imported Entry
In addition:
yes, I do know that it’s not a “page”, its only a screenshot of what I was working on in DreamWeaver.
yes, I do know that I spelled “them” wrong.
yes, I do know that the little picture is ugly.
any suggestions BESIDES these?
by Matt | Oct 11, 2001 | Imported Entry
Hello there…
Well, after a wonderful night of Chinese food, relaxing and watching Enemy at the Gates I’m feeling pretty good… well, to be truthful, I’m feeling really “weird” this morning. I don’t quite no why. I think it’s an odd combination of tired, caffinated, and worrying. Has anyone else ever been “selectivly jumpy” as I’m going to call it. Basically meaning that you’re “out of it” sometimes and when you’re not, you’re really jumpy and nervous. Maybe it’s one of those things where I could go back to sleep, let my body figure out what the hell it’s doing, and wake up feeling “right” again. But, as a simpler explination, I think I’m just worried about my photo assignment. I don’t have it done and I’m not “inspired” to do it and I don’t really like the subject of the assignment. Poop. Oh well. What can ya do?
Anyway, tonight is dance lessons, and that should make me feel better. Unless of course we’re doing the Marengay (sp?) which I hate and there’s too many people there. Then I’ll be disappointed. But I’m crossing my fingers. Also, tomorrow, Lauren and I are planning on going to Hilton Head SC. A nifty little place filled with outlet stores (and hopefully things for me to photograph).
Oh, and this is random… but check this out and give me feedback. I’m thinking about simplifing the page a tad. I’m open to suggestions.
Current Mood: Weird
by Matt | Oct 10, 2001 | Imported Entry
usb hubs should power themselves, wtf?
I have very little homework at the moment.
I am being random. sorry.
I want a new camera.
thanks for the movable type suggestion Chris, it’s definatly a possibility, but goddamn the install sucks ass.
I’m going to eat Chinese food tonight. Yum.
I wish I was in Boston, drinking warm cidar on the steps of Quincy Market.
-end randomness-
by Matt | Oct 9, 2001 | Imported Entry
Chip updated his main page along with some journal entries.
Dave seems to be feeling better, I think?
Chris of course updates as much as I do.
Claire is off to Rochester.
Bix went to the Rodeo.
Jason got a new-ish car.
PVD is playing at Liquified THIS thursday, not next thursday. SHIT!
AND Deep Dish is playing the following Friday but I’d have to be 21. SHIT AGAIN!
So much web, so little time…
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