by Matt | Sep 25, 2001 | Imported Entry
Great, I’ve got a whopping $30 in my bank account and no credit card to get supplies with. Shit. Talk about lousy timing having my credit card stolen. Can’t criminals have better timing, damn them. Well, tomorrow I’m going to have to wing it with supplies I don’t have. This will be interesting. I’ve also got to shoot 3 rolls of slide film and develope them by Monday… also with the money I don’t have. Yah! Ok, I’m sick of being tired in the mornings for my 9am, so I’m going to go to bed now. Hopefully I won’t fuck up and ruin another box of paper. But, before I go:
Quote of the Day:
“YAH! Suck it bitch… no, not you Pete!” – Jason
Current Music: Beth Orton – Central Reservation
Current Mood: shitty 
by Matt | Sep 25, 2001 | Imported Entry
Talk about a random, crappy day yesterday. Things seemed to be resolved though, at least for the moment. I got the tire patched, the car is running fine, Lauren came over with chicken salad and cake to make me feel better (I love her!) and I might be a Canadian citizen. That’s right, you heard me. After a reminder from my father as to my actual rights when it comes to nationality, it seems that I can legally be both a citizen of the US, with all rights and privileges, as well as a Canadian citizen.
It works like this. Since you (and I) were born in the US, we’re automatically a citizen. You’re also considered a US citizen if you were born to American parents over-seas (people on military bases for instance). Same goes for Canada. I was born in the US, making me a US citizen, but my mother is Canadian, hence I was born to Canadian parents on “foreign soil”. All I have to do is some paper work, and I become a Canadian citizen as well. And, quite frankly, now seems like a perfect time to do so. I know what you’re thinking, “wouldn’t I loose all my American rights/privileges?” Nope. Since I was still born here, I’m a US citizen for life, even retaining all the right and so forth if I leave and don’t come back until I’m 80, I’d still get things like Medicare for example. It’s called Duel Citizenship. Basically, my paranoid brain, with the help of my paranoid father, figures that if the proverbial “shit hits the fan”, I could make a dash to the boarder and just say that I’m a Canadian citizen, then I’m in, no questions asked.
Ok, enough talk of “shit hitting fans”, and on to lighter topics. Thanks to a conversation over on Tess’ page, I went looking for the Dunkin’ Donuts website. Not that it was hard to find. I do want those “diner mugs” they’ve got for sale. That would be awesome. And they’re only $5.99. Neat! At any rate, I was just using the “store locator” to see if there was any around here (besides the one I already knew about) and of course there isn’t. There is that one, but it’s really really sketchy and I don’t think I’d go there after sundown.
Ok, since I didn’t exactly get much sleep last night, I’m going to go to bed early. Night.
by Matt | Sep 24, 2001 | Imported Entry
Ok, to elaborate on my shitty day. After putting on the spare tire last night, I came in, took a shower and went to bed. Approximatly around 3am. At 7am, my alarm went off. Doing the math, that’s about 4 hours of sleep. By 8am I was driving into town and going to class. I was so tired that merely keeping my eyes open required two KMXs (mmm, tasty). Around 11am, after working in the darkroom all morning, I almost feel asleep standing there, and as I snapped out of it, I turned on the light to re-orient myself, not realizing in my sleep induced stupor that my box of photo paper was still out and opened. Now, it doesn’t take a chemist to figure out that once the light comes on, that box of “light sensitive” paper is ruined. So, after throwing $50 into the trash can I nearly burst into sobbing girlish tears as I realized it was time for Digital class. I was in no shape to go but I went anyways and turned in my work. I left early though so I could get the car taken car of. I went to Savannah Tire and they said they could “patch” it for about $15, which made me feel a little better. Hopefully they’ll be able to patch it and I won’t have to buy a whole new one, which is around $45. So, add this to the fact that my credit card was ripped off (did I tell you guys that) and that means that Matt is very much out of money. I’m home now, and I think that a nap is the best possible thing for me to be doing. So, I will.
by Matt | Sep 24, 2001 | Imported Entry
Worst day ever, I’ll explain later.
by Matt | Sep 24, 2001 | Imported Entry
Ok, now I’m pissed. SHIT, PISS, FUCK! I just spent an hour changing my tire in the rain. Damnit! Thank goodness Jason was able to give me a hand. Ok, I was going to go with Pete to the Diner, he was kinda in the dumps so I figured it might cheer him up and get him out of the house. In the two blocks it takes to get there, I must have driven over something, or maybe the tire just gave out, because as soon as we pulled in, I could here the hissing of air. We quickly drove back, not wanting to be stranded at a diner for hours waiting for AAA.
When Jason came back, I told him what happened and he offered to help put the spare on. After a HALF HOUR spent trying to get the fucking hubcap off, we finally got the now completely flat tire off and put the donut back on in it’s place. So, tomorrow, after class, it’s off to the tire place I go, to get a new tire on the car. This shouldn’t have happened, I just got a whole net set. DAMNIT! Arg. So, now its 2:15am and I’ve got to be up by 7 to get to class.
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