by Matt | Sep 24, 2001 | Imported Entry
Please, someone tell me they’re not serious. The record industry that is. It seems there’s an evil little product from Macrovision’s SafeAudio that inserts “bad” error-correction codes, which audio CD players can interpolate around, but higher-precision CD-ROM drives don’t, effectively preventing you from listening to or ripping any tracks on your PC. Story here.
Random stuff to check out:
AdAware – removes Spyware stuff.. very cool.
MyNapster – Open source freeware file sharring program.
WinCustomize – skinning resource and archive.
Be back, more randomness later.
by Matt | Sep 23, 2001 | Imported Entry
I just had the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Lauren, Nagle and I went downtown to Cafe M, this cool little jazz club, sat there and had drinks and listened to swing’in jazz till it was time to leave. I love jazz. The little trio really ran the gamut when it came to songs. Everything from “My funny valentine” and “It had to be you” to “It don’t mean a thing” (my personal favorite). We’re going to have to do that again. If anyone is looking for me on Friday and Saturday nights, I’ll be down at the club, fedora and cigar in hand, enjoying some of this town’s finest jazz. Later.
by Matt | Sep 22, 2001 | Imported Entry
Hey, updated the bio page finally, just thought I’d let you know.
by Matt | Sep 22, 2001 | Imported Entry
Hey kids, today is homework day. I’m gonna sit down and finish some work for Digital class. But, just so you guys don’t feel left out. I figured I’d upload a few pictures for you to take a look at. They’re linked to bigger images, so just click on’em to see the bigger version. I also stuck a “copyright” on them so no one desides to steal them. It’s kinda sad that I have to do that, but we won’t get into it. Also note, each of the “larger” images is very large, at least 200k+, just to let you know incase you’re on a slow connection. Ok, all three of the pictures were taken in the span of a week when I was still up in NH. The first one is down a dirt road in the middle of no where. It’s been “split-toned” which means it’s been run through about 30 chemicals to get it to have such a drastic color shift. It was originally B&W!! Both the second and third ones were taken in Merrimack NH, in and around Silver Lake. Ok, take a peak. Enjoy.
by Matt | Sep 21, 2001 | Imported Entry
Well, today I’m tired as heck. I didn’t get much sleep last night, but for good reasons. Anyway, I spent the morning trying to help my roommate find some coax cable so he could run tv to his room. We got that done but then he never got his cable/video card in his computer to work right so it was kinda pointless.
He’s blaiming Windows 2000 for his problems but I think it’s sorta misdirected. I mean, it isn’t really the operating systems fault that a tv tuner card you bought in highschool doesn’t work anymore, the company that makes it went out of buisness and you can’t find drivers. Oh well. He saying that he “hates” windows 2k, like he hates a lot of things and is vowing to uninstall it when he gets home from work. Good for him, some times it doesn’t work out for everyone. I know that personally I had more problems in 98 so I tried Linux, which was just as un-user-friendly. So, with Chris‘ urging, I finally made the jump to 2k, and I’m very pleased with it. But, I guess it’s not for everyone.
Other than that, this morning was rather uneventful. I’m being lazy and not working on the projects I have. Bad Matt, bad! I’ve gotta cut that out. I’ve got 11 collages due on monday and film to be shooting. As for the moment, since the sun has disappeared behind a giant black storm cloud, I don’t really feel like going outside and taking pictures, that’ll be tomorrows project. I’m gonna head downtown and see Lauren and get some dinner. Living on my own is great, but I don’t “remember” to eat. In the dorms it was different, there was a “meal time”. Here I can eat “whenever” so I always figure that I’ll eat later, but I never get around to it. Oh well, food is good, so I’m going to go have some. Later.
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