uh oh, this could be

uh oh, this could be dangerous, matt has an internet connection IN class… I’ll probably spend class today looking at CNN.com instead of listening to lectures. More later.

From Nick. I’m here with

From Nick. I’m here with you my friend, we’re all here, and god help us all.

Is it wrong for me to smile today, knowing what has happened?
Knowing that people died aboard four planes, wishing only to head to their next earthly destination?

Is it wrong for me to laugh today, knowing what has happened?
Knowing that people died within the buildings where they work, wishing only to do their job and provide for their families?

Is it wrong for me to raise my head today, knowing what has happened?
Knowing that thousands died for no reason other than terror, died victim to an idea or a belief that deemed them targets?

Is it wrong for me to hate today, knowing what has happened?
Knowing only a small amount of evidence and jumping to conclusions, looking for revenge and forgetting so easily the sanctity of ALL life?

Is it wrong for me to cry today, knowing what has happened?
Knowing that if this happened somewhere else I would forget it in a day, or that things of tragedy happen unbeknownst to me all the time?

Is it wrong for me to hope today, knowing what has happened?
Knowing that for all my study and meditation I cannot fully relieve my heart of its anger, or believe that peace is the only real solution?

Is it wrong for me to forget today, knowing what has happened?
Knowing that what happened should not be forgotten, and that ‘business as usual’ may someday mar its poignancy?

Is it wrong for me to smile today?

God help us all…
posted by Nick at 6:54 PM

I’m at a loss for

I’m at a loss for words. I’m with Chris in saying that this is surreal. I’m not quite believing that this actually happened. I feel sick, I feel frightened, I don’t know what I feel. All I know is that this is the most signifigant moment in American history in my life time. There has never been anything of this magnitude in the way of terrorism, ever. I’m going to quote Chris on this one, it seems to fit: “It’s been about 11 hours since the initial act of terrorism took place. when I woke up, I thought it was some joke, but then watching the towers collapse in front of my very eyes on TV made everything in my life seem utterly insignificant compared to the untimely ends of somewhere between 10 and 20 thousand lives.” I feel as though I should write and write, but I am at a loss for words. I’m usually good with words, but this is far beyond me. I can’t begin to think of something to say to help describe the current mood that this country is in. Some are angry at middle-eastern countries, some are made at the government for not seeing this coming. I would be more inclined to not be angry at anyone until it’s all figured out. Mis-directed anger never solves anything. It only gets people killed. This is the most extreme example in modern history. Some one was militant enough, fanadical enough, angry enough, to plan and execute a plan to end thousands of lives. Lives most likely not connected with the country the terrorists wanted to assault, besides their citizenship. But for some, thats reason enough to hate. I can’t talk about this anymore. I’ll provide some basic links to major news sites, but I’m sure your TV and CNN will do a fine job all on their own.

Direct link to CNNs Multimedia Page – video clips of catastrophe

MSNBC’s coverage

Metafilter… real people in NY talking about it at exactly 9am

A slew of pictures and info from Naval Warfare.net

Nation Weather Center – smoke cloud over NYC

I will sleep now, and hope that some comfort will come to those who will need it most in the events to follow.

Current mood: indescribable

The events of this day

The events of this day are almost indescribable. I’m sure that everyone has heard of what happened. Lets just hope that both justice and karma will catch up to the perpetrators of today’s heinous act.

Current Mood: Shocked