Well, yesterday tired me out.

Well, yesterday tired me out. Around 12:30 Lauren came over to get some things that she had left here over the summer. I helped get those over to her place and set them up. It was basically a big set of metal grates that form cube shelves. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. Anyway, after that we took a run to Walmart and Sams Club. Lauren needed a few essentials, power cords, trash bags, stuff like that. On the way back I proposed to make dinner and it eventually morphed into Lauren buying a roast chicken and bringing it over after she had gone home and cleaned up. So, she went home to shower and I went home to start making “sides” for dinner. They got here around 7:45, we ate and sat down to watch Tombstone on DVD. After that I drove Lauren home while her dad made himself home on the couch. They had booked hotel rooms for the previous night but weren’t able to get one for tonight, so, I offered the service of our couch. It’s not the most wonderful thing on the planet, but at least its comfortable. Thats about it. I figured I’d post a little something since today I’ll be busy. In the morning I’m going with Lauren and her dad to the airport then I’m going to come home and take a nap. After that, while Lauren is setting up her apartment, I’m going to go funature shopping with the boys, probably followed by another nap. After that, some dinner with Lauren and then we’re going to come back here and relax. Ok, sleepy time, I’ve got to get up early. Later.

Current Mood: Sleepy

Hey kids. Random Post. Both

Hey kids. Random Post. Both Lauren and Jason got in fine yesterday. Jason showed up around 3 and I helped him get all his stuff inside and take the UHaul trailer back to the rental place. Lauren called a little bit after that and said they were about 2 hours away from Savannah, they would be in around 6. They were and I met her and her dad for a quick dinner at the Atlanta Bread Company. After that her dad went back to the hotel and Lauren came back to my place to see it “furnished” and to hang out for the evening. Today, she moves back into the dorms and I was supposed to go over and help her move in. Actually, I was told that they may not need my help at all. One of her roommates is bringing 3 of her brothers with her and I guess they’re going to be the manual labor for the afternoon. So, it’ll be the 4 roommates, 3 brothers, 1 sister and 4 parents, which leaves us with a grand total of 12 people trying to set up an apartment. Odds are they probably won’t need my help and I would be best to stay out of the way. But I’ll give’em a call in a few minutes and see.

Current Mood: Good

Hey…whats that new link on

Hey…whats that new link on the left? Well, thats the new “projects” page. I needed some place to put random things… so, that’s where they’re goin’. If you see something on this page that I made, later on you can probably find it there. It’s that simple. Ok, I’m gonna go play some more CS. Later.

Curren Mood: Productive

Wow, what a day it’ll

Wow, what a day it’ll be. Jason arrives at some point this afternoon, I’ll probably stick around here and help him get his stuff in. I’m not quite sure what he’s bringing but I’m told its “furnature”. It takes him about 8-10 hours to get here, so if he left early this morning, he could be here as early as 3 or 4. Later this evening, Lauren get into town. They’ll check into the hotel and then come over and I can see my girl! Yah!!! And elsewhere in the country, Chip is moving in with Derrick today. That should be good for him. He needs to get out of his house for a while, just for his own sake. He parents were making him pay rent AND do household chores. The funny thing is I think is rent was higher at home! Anyway. Pete just went out the door and brought in a note from the apartment office saying that rent was late. We figured as much since Jason never sent his rent check to us this month, he was probably planning on bringing it himself. Problem being that today is the 8th and it was due on the 1st… hense, he’s a few days late. So long as he pays it I don’t really care, but he’ll have to explain it to the office, not me. Ok, shower and food time. Then I’ll wait around for everyone to get here. Joy! Finally, my girl and my buds will be back in town. Let the school year (and the fun) begin!

Current Mood: Hungry

I dont feel like typing

I dont feel like typing today. I’m not feeling bad or anything, I just don’t feel like typing. So, here, have some song lyrics. If you know it (and I know Chris does), sing along.

No words, no talk.
We’ll go dreaming

No pain, no hurt.
We’ll go dreaming

Walk with me,
The future’s at hand.
Here with us,
Here where you stand.
We both know the power of pain,
We get back up and start it again.
With new hope, no place for tears,
Leave behind those frozen years.
Come with me and the dream.

We don’t know how it can be,
Searching out dignity.
Nothing can be as savage as love,
One taste is never enough.
With new hope, no place for tears.
Catch my hand and come with me.
Close your eyes and dream.