Hmm, well Lauren leaves for

Hmm, well Lauren leaves for Savannah this morning. I couldn’t be happier. This summer has dragged on too long without me being able to see her. I really really missed her. It was almost unbearable to not be able to visit Texas this summer like I had planned. But that’s what happens when money is tight and work blows. I know all this sounds sappy, but I don’t care, I really missed her. And now she’ll be back on Saturday. Yippee!!! I can’t wait. I’ve finally got an apartment and we don’t have to live under “dorm rules” anymore. If we want to watch a movie late at night, we can. Finally, I place to call my own where the love of my life can visit anytime day or night without fear of getting written up by the powers that be. The RAs were only doing their jobs, but the rules sucked non-the-less. But who cares, two days until my Lauren is back in town! Yah!

Elsewhere, randomly, I was toying with the idea of using different programs or systems to update this page. Currently I’m using Blogger for the updates and DotComments for the comment system, all with a program called BlogBuddy to do most of the updating from my desktop. I looked into LiveComment but it required XML (which hindenburg, the server, doesn’t have), I also looked into Gray Matter, but that required XML as well. Then I found WebLogue. It doesn’t require XML, but it’s buggier than hell. How depressing. There’s plenty of webpage journal/update systems, but they either require evil Microsoft server stuffage or they just plain blow. Either way, looks like I’ll be sticking to Blogger coupled with DotComments for the time being.

Ok, today I’ve got to do a little cleaning. Pete is busy at OL stuff all day so I figured I’d pitch in and clean up some of the apartment since both Jason and Lauren would be getting back on Saturday. Pete will still have to clean his own bathroom though. I’m not that nice. Actually, I’m just going to take out the trash and clean my own room a little. I’ve kept 98% of the house very clean since I’ve gotten here. I’m frightened that I’m becoming the domestic one. I don’t think I like it. Once this semester starts, they’re gonna have to clean up their own messes, they won’t get any help from my end. Unless of course it’s in the middle of the house and it’s in my way. At that point I’ll just throw whatever mess they have going in a bag and save it for them for later. (insert evil grin). Just kidding. Sorta.

Ok, I’ve been staying up way to late. Once classes start and I have to get up for a 9am, I’m gonna die. It’s already 2am! Shit! The last time I looked at the clock it was 11:30. Damn. Ok, sleepy time. Or else Matt will be a zombie come this time next week. Later.

Current Mood: Sleepy

ps: remind me to make a “sleepy” icon. I think I’ll be needing it soon.

Woot! Major site update… well,

Woot! Major site update… well, sorta. I took care of all my little random mistakes across the site. Like the “Home” link at the bottom of the page pointing to main.html instead of main.php, stuff like that. I also updated the “site”, “bio” and “images” page to reflect the new color scheme and to be a little more dynamic. Some random spelling fixes since my spelling skills suck, and some other random tweaks. I also started working on a “media” page. I’ll stick that up next week some time. I’m planning to put up some skins, wallpaper, CS movies, icons and other stuff I’ve made. It should be interesting. Ok, food time. Later.

Well, I’ve got a few

Well, I’ve got a few more places to try today, then I guess I might try resturants. Who knows. Anyway, I’ve got some shopping to do to. I need a few things at WalMart and a small list at the grocery store. My mom also just let me know that I got my last check from EB in the mail. I might just buy that CD player and then pay myself back with the refund from the school. After all, it is an “essential”. Have any of you know me to go without music, in my car or in the darkroom, for more than 30 seconds? Didn’t think so. After my stereo was stolen and my Discman broke, I was left without anything to listen to. I’m going to need something in the near furture, but I could just get a cheap one. But, then again… I don’t want a cheap one. I want this. Ok, time for food an shopping.

Oh, on a seperate note, Jason let Pete and I know that he’s going to be coming on Saturday, not Friday like we had originally thought. This should be interesting. I hope we can find Jason a bed quickly since Lauren’s dad is going to be taking up the couch on Sunday. At any rate, it’ll be good to have everyone back in town, I’ve been bored out of my mind lately.

Current Mood: Tired

Hey there… with the lack

Hey there… with the lack of luck around here job wise, I’m starting to think about whoring myself out to the world as a web designer again. Who knows… in the next few days, maybe we’ll see a “corporate” We’ll see. Anyway, the first step in being a design whore is to have a cool buisness card. So, here’s the first of many ideas. Lemme know. Oh, and incase you’re wondering… thats my personal info thats been blurred out, not a random mistakes. Later.