As the thunder and lightning

As the thunder and lightning danced across the sky, I was driving home, soaking wet and defeated in my search for a job. I had gone to a few places before the sky had turned into a solid black, but all of those weren’t hiring. Actually, to be honest, every place I went wasn’t hiring. But after the rain started, it didn’t seem to make sense to go in and ask for a job after dripping all over an application. I drove over to the plaza close to my apartment, no luck at either coffee shop, they weren’t hiring. Same thing at the cigar shop next door. After that I drove across to the camera stores. I actually filled out applications this time, only to get the usually “we’ll keep it on file” when I was done. After that I headed downtown and went to the art supply store. They had just hired two kids the other day. Damn my timing. On the walk back to my car, the sky instantly turned black and dumped gallons of rain on me. I went from wondering where my sunglasses were to wiping water out of my eyes in under a minute. It was completely caught off guard. I was wearing fairly nice clothes of course; my charcole slacks, a dress shirt and my shoes. All were soaked instantly. I hopped back in my car, which I had parked in the middle of an open parking lot of course. I realized I wasn’t exactly “presentable” at the moment and decided to go home and change. I got home just in time. As I did, the power went out and wind picked up. The sky had gotten darker and it had turned into a full blown thunder storm. Actually, it’s still stormy outside as I type, so I probably shouldn’t be on the computer. Anyway, I turned on the tv and waited for a weather report. Guess what, there was only a 65% chance of light showers this afternoon… light showers my ass. Aparently, someone had actually looked out a window down at the station and as the weather man was giving his report of “light showers”, a storm warning flashed along the bottom of the screen. I was rolling on the floor laughing. Seems fitting. But, anyway, there was no luck in Jobville today, better luck tomorrow, I’m certainly a long way from giving up. Later.

Current Mood: Wet

Attention. Attention. Chris Kelly has

Attention. Attention. Chris Kelly has a date. I repeat. Chris Kelly has a date! Woot! Good goin’ buddy. Huzah!

“well, still don’t know what I am doing this weekend (at this point, it may be catching up with all the work I’ve procrastinated on), but on September 27th, I will be attending the Blues Traveler show here with a very lovely lady as a “friendly get-together”

Hehehe. Just pokin’ fun at you Chris. Later.

Current Mood: Happy for my friend

Arg. Apparently, I’m not “needy”

Arg. Apparently, I’m not “needy” enough to get a Work Study job. I didn’t really want a “work study” job, but after talking to the people at PhotoWorks (the campus photo store) I found out that since it’s run by the school, its “school employees” only. ie: work study kids. Which doesn’t really make sense to me. If you want to work there, you should be able to (provided they need someone). It seems funny to reserve jobs for people that “need” them, even if they don’t “want” them.

Hmm. Ok, so after talking to Photoworks, I go to the “Student Employment Center” and ask if there were any jobs or job listings. I was told that the photo store didn’t need anyone but that the book store might. Then I was given a stack of paper work and sent off to my financial aid counselor. The loan counselor (after waiting 15 minutes) told me was ineligible for work study. I wasn’t poor enough. Yet again, just because I’m middle class and WANT to work, I can’t because we’ve reserved jobs for people that “need” them more. I’m sorry. I don’t intend to sound mean, but if someone wants to work (poor kid, rich kid, whatever) shouldn’t they be given the chance to?

It’s the same with loans. People that are less fortunate get more. Why? Because they need more? Not true. They NEED just as much as I do. They simply have less means to get it. Again, I’m not trying to sound biased against people that have less money than I, but I WANT to work. Most people that qualify for full financial aid, don’t work. Think about it. How many people who are getting full rides from the government would want to work, make money, and jeopardize their “poor” status? I wouldn’t either. I can’t say I blame them.

Ok, sorry for the rant. After finding out I can’t get anything from the school, I drove home, the car radio echoing my mood with songs about crappy days. I shrugged it off, went inside, combed my hair and went back out to see if they needed anyone at the other photo store. The one that had been closed yesterday. The girl at the desk said she didn’t know but that I could an application. She started looking for applications and couldn’t find any. The manager wasn’t in so she wasn’t sure what to do. A big help she was.

Tomorrow I’ll start with Primary Art Supplies and WorldWide Camera (again), and work my way south-side and make stops at the two coffee houses near my house, B&N, EB in the mall, and some other random places. I’m even considering getting a job at the Cigar Store. That would be interesting wouldn’t it? At any rate, it’s nearly 5:00 and Pete was going to come home so we could go to Sam’s Club and pick up a few more essentials. We’ll see what tomorrow brings, today’s been a bit of a disappointment.

Well, nothing big. I updated

Well, nothing big. I updated the comments list with such quotes as…

“Clubbed. Serve Slightly Chilled.”
“Mmmm, Mint Toothpicks!”
“Tickets: $40, Gas: $15, Seeing PVD with friends: Priceless.”

Ok, off to get breakfast, then a job. Later.

Current Mood: Optimistic

Hey there. I just thought

Hey there. I just thought I’d repost this since it got covered up by a lot of other ramblings soon after I posted it. Anyway.

I just finished up my first set of skins for a nifty little program called SkinMem. I whipped up 4 skins, all fairly simple but very very clean. I can’t stand sloppy skins. I would rather make 4 simple and good looking ones than 10 shitty ones. I don’t like those “I found a picture of a supermodel and stuck it in the background” type of skins either. It completely defeates the purpose. You guys know what I’m talking about right? At any rate, SkinMem is pretty slick, it’s a real time system resourse monitor, kind of like SysMeter only much simpler and easier to skin. Anyway, I was bored so I whipped out Photoshop and came up with these four. If you like’em, lemme know. Or if you have any suggestions, lemme know about them too. Ok, you can get the program here. And you can get the skins here. The installation is simple. Just unzip the files into the skins directory thats inside of the main SkinMem directory. All that is explained in the zip as well. Feedback is welcome. Enjoy.”