Today is sorta a work

Today is sorta a work day. I have to work but not until 6. The kicker is that the store closes at 9:30… So, why make tiny little schedules like that you ask? Well, actually, when Eric was making this weeks schedule he added everything up and had 4 extra hours sitting around and offered them to me. I was also offered (last week) an Assistant Managers possition but couldn’t take it since I’m going back to school. Eric said he offered it to me so that he could mention it later to corporate in case I wanted to work at the EB in Savannah. Basically saying “this guy rocks, he would have been my ASM, hire him”. Which is very nice of him to do. Well, today, before work, I’ve got to run to the bank and deposit a pay-check so I can buy Chris’ old video card from him later and it would be nice to have money to do it with. I also figure I’m going to need to pick up a new power supply and a case fan. Anyone have any suggestions?

Current Mood: Hungry

Blarg… cleaned the car. I’m

Blarg… cleaned the car. I’m starting to wonder just what happened to that car over the past few years. There are the most random stains and weird little things in there. I don’t know, nor do I care really. I gave it a good scub down, and the cleaners made my head spin. I also dumped some “dry gas” into the gas tank. Its supposed to help with fuel injection and starting. Personally I’d like to know whats in that stuff. It has no odor, no color and doesn’t stain (I know this only because I spilled some). Can it really be good for your engine? Whatever. I also got the insurrance check today. It’ll go towards living expenses in the fall since I don’t need to use it to buy a car. I do plan to put a slightly nicer stereo in it though. Nothing extreme, no amps or anything, just a cd player or something. Later.

Current Mood: Hot and tired

Well, today I’ve got the

Well, today I’ve got the day off… YAH!!! So, most of it will probably be spent cleaning out the car. Oh, I was bored last night and made an wish list. I figure some of my relatives start their x-mas shopping early so I might as well give’em a leg up. If you get bored and want to browse it, you can click here. I think that link will work, I dunno, Amazon has some funky links going on. Whatever. Anyway, I haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday, so I think I’m going to go find some food. I also think I’ve identified my problem… At school, I’m almost never “bored” completely and so I (or atleast my mind) always has something to do. So, in turn, I never really think about being hungry or eating. Here however, since I’m bored at home, bored at work and bored in general, I actually “think” about whether I’m hungry or not. And, being a guy, of course the answer is yes. Its like asking me if I’m tired. Well, duh, of course I am, I’m always tired, it just depends on how tired I am and if I’m letting it get to me. Anyway, I diagress, I’m going to try and not think about my hunger, that way I won’t eat to much and I won’t put back on those “college” pounds. Wow, that entire thought process sounds completely vain. Damn, ok, on to better topics. Chris was saying how today he should get his new GeForce 3, so tonight he’ll be hooking that bad boy up to the new flat pannel he got on Friday. This should be very impressive. I’m probably going to want one now which isn’t a good thing. That whole money issue. Ok, I’m going to go find something to do. I’ll be back. Later.

Current mood: Good

Well, didn’t get a call

Well, didn’t get a call back from Chip tonight, so I hung around here and watched Office Space. I must say, the more I watch that movie, the more I like it. Originally I thought it was only “alright” but I think it’s grown on me. Tomorrow I’ll probably go register the new car and work on cleaning it from head to toe. It needs it. I think Josh’s sister needed help with her computer at some point as well, as a service to her brother I’ll probably end up giving her a hand. Other than that I get to relax a little. I’ll probably read a little, think about Lauren, play a game or two, think about Lauren, have a nice dinner, think about Lauren, and maybe think about Lauren if I have time. Hehehe, ok, I know, I’m sappy. I don’t care, I miss her. Ok, I’m going to head off to bed since I’m tired as hell, I haven’t gotten much sleep in the past few days. I got in late the other night, couldn’t sleep last night and probably won’t be able to sleep tonight either. May as well try. Night kids. Later.

Current Mood: Sleepy

Well, today was work again.

Well, today was work again. Sundays are always odd, I don’t quite know why. I think its because it doesn’t really feel like a real work day. The store is only open from 11-6. At any rate, Brent and I made the most of it by being completely off the wall and joking with each other and customers almost all day. It was very funny. At one point Brent started prank calling the other stores in the area asking for completely random stuff and asking them to hold it and he would be right there to pick it up. The only store that “caught on” was Salem so when they called back thinking it was us I answered the phone and told them that Brent wasn’t there. They asked for him directly which tells me that Brent does this sort of thing often when he’s bored. Anyways, it was good, clean, inter-store fun. The rest of the day was fairly normal and I got home around 6:30. I’m not sure what I’m doing tonight, Chip had called and asked if I was interested in doing something so I’ll probably hang-out with him. Also, you probably won’t see this until later, there was a message on the server at Blogger saying that they’re upgrading servers and they’ll be back up later today. Later.

Current Mood: Tired and working