Well, last night was fairly

Well, last night was fairly interesting. Both Chris and Chip had called, looking to do something, but I had decided to just hang around here and throw in a DVD. Chris didn’t like that answer and came over and dragged me out anyway. Apparently he had been over at a friends house, getting together with an old group of buddies and they had decided that they wanted to do something. Jeff was also called at some point and so around 8:30 he and Chris stopped by to drag me out. We then met up with Chris’ group of friends, Chris D, Josh, Katie and Tess, most of who I didn’t know with the exception of Teressa who I slightly know. They then wanted to meet Josh in Nashua at Tweeter where he works. After getting him we headed off towards Boston, with Chris D driving one car and Jeff struggling to keep up. We wound our way down to Boston and eventually to Avalon. We got there sometime around 11 and headed in. The house DJ was the same (?) that Chris and I had seen when we went down to see Darren Emerson 2 weeks ago. Only this time he was actually good. After him Jonathan Peters took over and I must say I was very impressed. About half way through, Tess didn’t feel so good, so we sat with her for a while until she was ready to dance a little more. Then her and Katie went off and we didn’t see them until the second to last song. We had a good time, dancing and such, then the whole group wound up near each other on the dance floor for the last song. It was very cool. I’m glad I went out and did something last night instead of sitting around like a party pooper. After that it was the long drive home and I didn’t get in until 4 because we did what Chris and I always do and missed an exit on the highway, usually ending up near the seacoast. So I’m just a little tired and don’t really feel like working today. Oh well. Fun has to have it’s price I suppose. I really can’t wait till next Friday when Chris and I are going to see Paul Van Dyk, master of all that is techno. That should be awesome.

Ohh, ohh, on a separate but equally as cool note, my roommate Pete was able to get a hold of two tickets for Ani Difranco for me. A big thanks goes out to Pete. It also seems that he won a radio contest and now has two more tickets. Guess he’ll have to work on finding a date. Can’t wait for that show, it should be great. Ok, I’m heading off to work. Later.

Current mood: Happy and tired (but for good reason)

Well, thanks go to Mike

Well, thanks go to Mike for pointing out that I forgot to update the links. Now, both “Main” and “Archive” should be working. I also added Tia’s button to the links. Thanks for the link back Tia! Sorry it took so long to get your button up. Anyway, today I received the “new” (new to me) car. It’s a 1990 Oldsmobile 88. It need a good cleaning but is in otherwise good shape. I’ll get it registered on Monday so I can start taking it to work. Well, I hate to keep this short but theres a thunderstorm coming and I don’t want to leave my system on. Later.

If you’re reading this it

If you’re reading this it means that you’ve reached the new page. “main.php”. The reason why its not “main.html” anymore is so that the counter on the comment system works correctly. I hope this won’t confuse to many people. I’ll send you all an email explaining this more. But anyway, the comment system is working, mainly due to my bordom. I’ll republish the archives soon and then change the style of the comment window around. Enjoy… and test out the comment system please, I want to make sure it’s working. Later.

Current mood: Techie

Well, today was work. It

Well, today was work. It was, well, work. It was borring and long, as work tends to be. My boss returned from 3 days off to find that I was yet again the only one to have any sales whatsoever (in systems, game doctors, anything) and that I was the only one to actually have done work while he was gone. Truth be told, when I’m at work I have a tendency to get bored, and when I get bored I have a tendency to find something to do. For instance, on Tuesday I sold two Game Doctors, 4 PS2s, 3 GBAs, rearranged 3 cases of games, cleaned the back room and did the pre-owns. And that was just because I had nothing better to do. Whatever. Their are a few employees that aren’t pulling their weight, but mostly I’m not alone in my activities. There are only one or two slackers, but they slack so completely that it makes the rest of us, especially me, look good. And I really don’t care. In other news, Chris has been keeping himself busy at work and around town. I just wish I didn’t have to work nights all the time. Maybe I could actually hang out with the one friend that won’t be here next year. Hopefully, Chris is off to bigger and better things and won’t be returning to Milford next summer. So, with him only having 11 days of work left and us having not seen a single RedSox game yet, I find it saddening that my very good friend will be leaving so soon. But, on a brighter note, at least his video card shipped (which means I can buy his old one…hehehe) and that coupled with his new monitor, should give him plenty to play with for the last few days of summer. Speaking of friends, its been perticulary refreshing to hang out with Chip on occasion, usually just to grab a cup of coffee after I get off work, but at least it’s something. I’m very disappointed in the way my schedule has worked out this summer. I get stuck with the shitty days and usually a lot of nights. I hate working nights. Speaking of nights, tomorrow is Friday and I have the night off. At some point I have to drive to Saugus to my grandparents house to get the new car. At what time of day that will be I have no idea. I’d also like to go to Avalon with Chris or see a movie with Chip. I don’t know what I’ll have time for. I’m going to play it by ear and do things as they happen, so, please, neither of you (chip or chris) be disappointed if I can’t make plans tomorrow. I don’t know what my time table will be yet. Ok, and lastly, I found a comment system that uses PHP and/or CGI. Look for that in the future, don’t worry, I’ll let you know when I install it. Later.

Current mood: This one.