Just some randomness. I got

Just some randomness. I got a survey from a friend and figured I’d fill it out. I usually just ignore these. Whatever… Can’t you tell I’m bored.

1.Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much:
~Only people I talk to a lot.
2.When you were a kid, did you ever eat paste:
~Not that I can remember.
3. Are you ticklish:
~Only for some people
4. What have you done to make the world a better place:
~I haven’t killed stupid people yet. I give to the homeless and I simply radiate love and happiness into the world… why? Can’t you feel it?
5. Do you consider yourself to be a hopeless romantic:
~Of course.
6. Would you say that you have an addictive personality:
~I don’t know. Probably not.
7. Do you get squeamish around blood:
8. Are you clumsy:
~You’ve never met me have you… Sometimes when I’m nervous…
9. Do you talk to yourself… out loud:
~Yes. Sometimes.
10. Do you consider yourself to be a creative person:
~I would hope so, yes.
11. Do you run from your problems:
~HAHAHA! No, my problems run smack into me.
12. What is your level of satisfaction with your life:
~I’m satisfied quite well, thank you.
13. Which Gilligan’s Island character can you relate with the most:
~Umm, was Mary Ann the normal one? I dunno, they were all nutty.
14. What is your catch phrase:
~”What the Fuck!” or “Shenanigans”
15. How often do you feel bored:
16.Do you have a crush on anyone right now:
~No, but I love someone.
17. Are you an outwardly emotional person:
~I think people can tell generally what I’m feeling, so yes.
18. What time were you born:
~Shit if I know… it’s not like I remember.
19. Do you have any scars:
~Tons, physical and a few emotional.
20. gnitirw adrawkcab daer uoy naC:
~yes, why.
21. What Chinese astrological sign were you born under:
~I think it’s the monkey… no wait, the rat. I don’t remember.
22. Would you take your clothes off in public for money:
~It would have to be an exorbitant amount of $
23. Are you a dreamer or a realist:
~Depends on the day… dreamer mostly.
24. Are you an optimist or pessimist:
~See above. More of a pessimist though.
25. Can you hula hoop:
26. Can you yo-yo:
~Yes… can we find more interesting questions perhaps?
27. How many times do you sneeze in a row:
~Usually only once.
28. Can you touch your nose with your tongue:
29. Are you tired right now:
30. Do you live within 10 miles of a nuclear power plant:
31. Do you live within 10 miles of an airport:
~I don’t think so…
32. Do you play video games:
33. Do you have a birthmark:
~Yes, a very small one.
34. What body parts do you have pierced:
~None, that’s the way I like it.
35. What is your theme song:
~Song? Dunno, but I think some jazz would cover it.
36. If you had 3 wishes, what would they be:
~1. To be creatively well liked. 2. To spend the rest of my life with the girl I love. ~3. To be able to spin techno and tour the world with my girl.
37. How many cd’s do you own:
~Somewhere around 350
38. What is the sound you can’t stand hearing:
~People talking during movies
39. Are you easily embarrassed:
~Only with strangers.
40. Are you allergic to anything:
~Cat, Dogs and random plants.
41. Do you have tattoos:
42. If you could be any one of the 7 dwarves, which one would you be
43. Can you curl your tongue:
44. How do you feel right now:
~See #29
45. Do have any phobias:
46. Computer or Phone:
47. Do you burn or tan:
48. Are you a leader or follower:
~I sit in the corner and dont pay attention to the other kids.
49. Are you comfortable with silence:
~Yes. Very.
50. Are you a twin:
51. What is your most typical mood:
~This one
52. What quality do you most respect about yourself:
~My ability to bullshit. That’s about it.
53. Are you an affectionate person:
~I try to be
54. How many hours of sleep do you get per night on average:
~@School: 5 or 6. Summer…10-12
55. What is your IQ:
~Don’t know, don’t care.
56. What are you going to do when you finish this survey:
~Post it on my website for no particular reason.

Well, todays been semi-interesting, I’ve

Well, todays been semi-interesting, I’ve played lots of No One Lives Forever (it’s really pretty good) and made a few phone calls. I had to call SCAD since they want me to send copies of my W2s and Tax Return, which don’t exist. I Telefilled and they won’t accept a print-out version of my return. So I called to find out what I should do and of course no one is there. The Financial Aid office at SCAD is the most slack-ass, incompetent bunch of people I’ve ever seen. They work a total of 2 days a week during the summer, never return phone calls and are generally clueless when you finally get a hold of them. But, I’ve know this for years and have to put up with it. So, I left a message and hopefully someone will get back to me. After that I called the cable company to see how much cable modems were. Come to find out that they’re not offered in my area yet. Arg. In other news, there’s a new possible car I could be driving back to school. An older electrician van (otherwise known as shaggin-waggon style) has come to my attention. My neighbor wants to get rid of it. Theres absolutely nothing “wrong” with it but it’s very very basic. No power anything, no radio, no AC, etc. The radio problem I can solve, but the rest… I dunno. But still, it’s an option. I could defiantly get more stuff back to school in it. Well, thats about it for today. I’ve got to work again tomorrow but I have Friday and Sunday off, I close on Saturday. We’re BBQ’in on the grill tonight, so I’ve got to go do that, somehow I’ve become the only one able to cook meat. Go figure. Later.

Current mood: Gaming (ie: busy)

Yippeeee!!!! Newbury Comics isn’t dead,

Yippeeee!!!! Newbury Comics isn’t dead, merely moved. The music store of legends simply packed up and moved across the street to higher and larger digs. The clothing store is still going in, and is owned by Newburys, but will be a seperate entity. Yah! This makes me very happy, and my wallet very very sad. In other news, I got a copy of No One Lives Forever. A nifty first person shooter with some style and class. Other than that I’m just gonna kick back and relax today. I’ve got the day off and no plans or places I need to be. I’m going to go sleep in now. Later.

Current mood: happy

Well, hopefully this should be

Well, hopefully this should be a good day. I’ve got some left over BBQ to eat for lunch, I don’t have to work until 1:30 and I’ll pick up a game I wanted. Also, when I redesigned the page, I forgot to stick a few buttons up, my over-sight has been corrected. Ok, off I go into the world of games. Later.

I’ve really got to stop

I’ve really got to stop update at around midnight. It’s a lot harder to say what I did “Today” when techincally it isn’t today. But since it doesn’t feel like “tomorrow” it feels weird to say what I did “yesterday”. Especially since “yesterday” was a few minutes ago. Whatever… sorry, going to bed this time… promise. Later.