Well, today begins another wonderful

Well, today begins another wonderful weekend at the store. I’m working 1-10 two days in a row. I don’t really mind, and I’m working with some good kids, it’s just that I don’t really care anymore. Its not like it’s a photography job where I’m interested and want to be there. Its retail. It should have a movie made about it. We could call it “Retail” and it could be somewhere between Clerks and Empire Records. It would be great. Maybe thats a project for another day. As for yesterday, after having Thai food with the family (which was really really goof btw) we decided to take a drive up the coast to Portsmouth. Portsmouth is a really cool place to hang out (which is probably why I go on occasion). There’s great little record stores, surf shops and coffee bars. We decided on this after I finally gave in to taking my photos on Sunday. I plan to drive up to Sugar Hill (deep in the mountains) and take some “mountain/farm/country-side” pictures. They don’t really excite me based on subject matter, but it’s an assignment. Anyway, I’ve got to get to work and put in some over time, maybe that way I can get those upgrades. Later.

Current Mood: tired and working (is that a mood?)

Well, the first real heat

Well, the first real heat of the summer has passed through, leaving the cool 60* Canadian air in it’s place. I’m honestly wearing my sweatshirt (hoddie) for the first time in months. My parents are planning on taking me out for lunch today. Best of all we’ll be going to the Thai resturant down the road. Its very good and is one of the only places around here that can satisfy my odd need for really spicy chicken and noodles. Other than that, not a lot is going on. This is my last day off this week, I’ll be working Friday and Saturday, so I plan to enjoy it. I’m feeling ok after some support from friends and my wonderful girlfriend. I didn’t really feel “bad” just “done”. Done with New England for the summer, done with jerks, done with customers at the store. You know what I mean. But, like I said, I’m feeling better. Cause if you walk with your head down, you miss all the good stuff in life, but if you look to far up, you just trip over things. A little Difranco wisdom for the morning. Ok, anyway, I’ve got to get into the shower so I can go have lunch. I think after that they wanted to go into Boston, but having no money, I don’t really feel like going. We’ll see… (…how much THEY will pay for). Hehehe. Later.

Current Mood: Better… and hungry

Well, another long day at

Well, another long day at work has past without insident. I suppose thats cause for celebration. Anyway, with todays release of “Max Payne” I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s now time to get serious about the upgrades to the ol’ battle rig. The way I see it, “Max Payne” is a thousand dollar game. Sure the retail price is $47.99 but it’ll cost me and half the PC owners on the planet a shit load of money in order to play it. It’s a good thing that I’m planning on upgrading this summer. Anyway, if it plays half as good as it looks, it’ll be bad ass. Ok, enough about a game I can’t play yet. Lets get to the stuff that will let me play it. I think I’ve narrowed down the CPU and Mobo of my choice. If I could afford it that is. I think I’m going with the 1.4 Ghz Athalon (about $150-200). Its got more power than a P4 at the same speed and it’s $200 less. To go with it, I’m thinking of either the Gigabyte GA-7DX ($130) or the Asus A7M266 ($170). The Asus has tested faster and is more compatible with AMDs own southbridge chips but the Gigabyte is what AMD uses in their own reference platforms and is cheaper. I don’t think it makes a difference on this one. Both are solid boards. Throw in a new power supply and a case fan or two and we come to somewhere between $300-400. Plus I have to pick up a new graphics card, mark that somewhere between $150 and $250. Now we’ve got a figure of $450. That’s cash I simply don’t have. I wish there was someway to swing this, I hope I can figure it out. Between this, the car (or lack there of), rent, school, and supplies I just don’t know how I’m going to do it. I guess maybe I just won’t. I can’t spend that $450. I need it for school this fall. Sorry computer. Looks like there won’t be a new gaming season this year. I guess I really screwed up by not finding a “good” job this summer. I’ve kind of let myself down. Whatever. Oh, before I go to bed, just thought the SCAD kids should know that I saw Justin today at the mall. He says “hi” and promises to come down this year. He’s been at UMA and is now looking to transfer to Emerson. And we all wish him luck. Ok, enough pondering over things I can’t afford. I’m going to bed now. And BTW, someone asked me to cover their shift on Friday, so now I’m working then as well. I need the extra money right about now. I guess that means that seeing Planet of the Apes is out. Sorry guys. I didn’t really feel like seeing it anyway, I guess I save a few bucks this way. Ok, now that I’ve depressed myself further, I’m going to bed. Later.

Current mood: Tired and broke

life. done fucking me in

life. done fucking me in the ass? not by a long shot. guess what kids? matts getting pissed. you see, the other day when I told the insurance company to call back with a different number, I didn’t expect that number to be LOWER! It seems they sent another claims person out to the car to take another look at it. This time they said that they would take money off the total for the mileage, for it being a standard transmission and for not having a radio. This brings up an interesting question. Where the fuck is my radio? It seems that someone, after the claims adjuster visited the first time, had decided to take the radio out of the car for themselves. This is a no-no. If any of you have met my father, you can imagine the look on the towing companies face when he’ll be showing up at their shop in about 20 minutes. This won’t be pretty. Unfortunately, I miss the fireworks since I have to go to work. Basically theres going to be a lot of yelling and screaming and a few police reports. I’m not being double-fucked. First someone wrecks the car that I had completely paid off, then I don’t get full value for it, then I get my radio stolen. Whats next? Will the dead start rising from graves tonight and eat my friends? Jeebus Christ! This comes on the heels of a long talk I had with myself over the current state of humanity and how I needed to remain positive and high-spirited through all this. I’m trying to be accepting of everyone and stay positive but this makes it pretty fucking hard. It’s always been my creed that just because you “grow up” doesn’t mean you have to turn into an asshole. Seriously, the majority of kids can play together just fine, are more forgiving and not as easily antagonized as most adults. Sure there are some jerk kids but thats life, and as a kids you know and accept that. What happened? Just because people get older they turn into complete jerks? Sorry, not me. If this whole pain in the ass has taught me anything, it’s how to let some things go and not turn my anger outward and onto other people who don’t deserve it. Arg. It doesn’t mean that I’m not super pissed though. It just means I won’t take it out on anyone else. Ok, I’ve gotta head off to work. Later.

Current Mood: you don’t want to know

More and more randomness today.

More and more randomness today. If you didn’t know yet, the good people at Valve have updated Half-Life once again, this time with something special. The release features a project that they’ve been working on in their spare time called DeathMatch Classic. Basically it’s a remake of the more famous Quake maps from back in the day. Grab the update and frag the night away, Quake style. Also, there was an update to the Coca-Cola lawsuit. Check that out at Guerrilla News. Back in gaming land, Max Payne release day is tomorrow. From what I’ve heard, the game play is short but very sweet. Well, thats about it… I’m gonna go eat a Hot Pocket. Later.

Current Mood: Random