I just needed to post

I just needed to post this. It’s an article about how people that play computer games are more alert, have better hand-eye-coordination, are more socialable and a whole host of other things. This is exactly what we had been telling our parents (and ourselves) for years. Now we have proof. And leave it to those crazy British (I love’em) to give it to us. Thanks guys. Cheers!

Well, today has been rather

Well, today has been rather borring. I did however get a call from the insurance people. They offered me $2000 for the Mazda. I laughed. I told the girl that the book value was $3100 and she seemed surprised that I had bothered to look it up. Silly them. I don’t want to be one of those people who takes insurance companies to the cleaners, but I do want a new car. I had paid for the Mazda completely and even put a new stereo in it, I expect at least the value of it back. I told them to call back when the number was over 3K. In other news, I took some film to get developed and got pictures back from the Area One Festival, you can check those out below. I also got some back from the Ani show in NYC, but those didn’t turn out very well. Of course, the remaining rolls I have from that trip are B&W and I’ll process those myself to make sure they’ll look good. Thats about it. My dad had wanted for me to go to the gym with him tomorrow, but I’ve got other plans, namely the pictures that I was too lazy to take today. It seems that conveinently as soon as I have a free moment, my parents find some stupid errand they need done. Today it was “pick up the accident report from the police” and “run to the store for random crap.” Sorry, but I’ve put this off long enough, tomorrow is photo day. Ok, as promised, here are those pictures from Area One. Click on the links to get the pictures. Note: these have been scanned at a low res and have been color and contrast corrected. The originals are much better quality. Later.

Chris as we arrive at the festival grounds.
Derrick May, kicking the party off.
Carl Cox taking over the decks.
The Orb, grooving to some serious bass.
The crowd right before Oakenfold shows up.
Paul Oakenfold.
Oakenfold again, right before I left.

Current Mood: Sleepy

Well, something funky is going

Well, something funky is going on with blogger… It seems that blogger doesn’t believe that “hindenburg” actually exists. I’ve gotten the error “Unknown host: hindenburg.eboai.org” about 30 times now, which is very odd considering I just FTP’ed to it a few minutes ago. Maybe it’s something funky with DNS stuff again. Anyway, I’ll just use the IP address until it clears up.

Well, random-ness today. I found

Well, random-ness today. I found out from Pete that Ani will be playing in Savannah in Oct. Very cool indeed. Also, after some shopping, I’m well stocked in RedBull for a while. Also, it seems that the X-Comments system won’t be working. The XML parser is installed and working but ASP is simply out of the question. I can’t say I blame chip for not installing it though, I wouldn’t want the words “Microsoft” and “server” anywhere near each other. But, on the upside, Chip did say that if he gets bored at work, he might be willing to convert the ASP stuff to PHP, which would be very cool of him. I’m going to leave the comment tag in the bottom of the posts for a while, but be aware that they obviously aren’t working. Also, in other random-ness, I found my copies of both Quake III and Diablo II today. Which of course means that my boredom will now give way to some serious fragging. On the music side of things, I picked up some CDs that I didn’t really have the money for, but following Chris’ example, it was fun to splurge. I picked up Darren Emerson: Global Underground 20 (Singapore) and Seb Fontaine: Prototype 4. Both double CD sets that I’ve been wanting for some time now but never bothered to pick up. Chris has had the Emerson set for a while and I know that it sounds good, and listening to Fontaine on the way home in the car has helped me cement him as one of my favortite DJs, it was a very good CD. Ok, enought rambling for the night. I don’t know what I’ll be up to tomorrow, I don’t has to work until Wednesday. If the weather is good, maybe I’ll finally have a chance for some photo-shooting time. Later.

Current Mood: Musically very happy

Well, today I get to

Well, today I get to relax a little. I deposited my last two pay checks yesterday, so I’ve got a little money to play with as well. I’ll see if I can drag Chris away from Diablo 2 long enough to head into Nashua and hit Newbury Comics. Is it bad that I spend almost all of my extra money on music? At this point I’m seriously considering just saving some of it any buying some turntables for x-mas. Anyway, today I can kick back, relax and enjoy some random movies on Comedy Central. I think they’re showing PCU in a few minutes. Later

Current Mood: Relaxed