Several quickies today since this

Several quickies today since this afternoon Chris and myself are going to AREA ONE! This should kick some major ass. I’ve got stuff to do in order to get ready, but I’ll still make a little post non-the-less. Let’s see, first, after getting an email from Nick, it seems he loved final fantasy and wanted to know why we didn’t. Well, honestly, I liked it to. In fact, it’s gotten my second highest rating (in my head) of the movies I’ve seen this summer. My stance on it was simple. I had already seperated, or tried to seperate, the movie from the games since I was told that they weren’t similar in anyway. So, I went into it wanting to watch it for it’s own attributes. As I watched, I thought it was good, it wasn’t a Citizen Kane or Casablanca, but it was good. There were just those pesky little things that got to me: For example, the history between Dr. Ross and Grey. We know that there was one, but what was it? Towards the end when Denel Washingtons character is trapped in the vehicle, which suddenly jumps 500 yards closer to the take off ship in order to help protect the crew. The absolute cheesiest thing was the very last line from the older Dr. “It’s Warm.” Come on, “its warm”??? They could have picked such a better line. Even “it’s beautiful” would have done. But, I digress, these are just small bits to pick on where as the movie as a whole was very good. I liked it, I gave it an A. But, I’m still looking for that one piece of cinematic genius that’ll blow me away. I’m looking for this summers “Groove” or “Fight Club” and I’ve yet to find it. At any rate, I thought Final Fantasy was very well done. The CG was mind-numbing and the story was good. For me, it just wasn’t “THE” movie of the summer. Which is fine, it doesn’t make it a bad movie, but I’m still searching for something that will truely grab me. Ok, in other news… Matt got a hair cut. Aaaahhhh… run for the hills. No, no, settle down, it’s not like that. I had gone to get a trim and ask the hair dressers advice, since it’s been quite a while since I’ve had my hair anywhere near as long as that. She suggested keeping it long everywhere except the back, which could be tapered to blend in with the rest. So, everything is still long, but now it doesn’t look like I have a bad mullet. Anyway, I’ve still got to get a hold of Chris, stop by Walmart to get some things, and get some food in me. So, I’m off. I’ll post a big giant recap of my adventures tomorrow. Later.

Current Mood: Better

Well kids, the new version

Well kids, the new version of Li.Net is out. What do you think? I kinda like it. I’m not completely happy with it, I never am, but it’s an improvement. We’ll see how long this one sticks around. Oh, the only page I haven’t updated with the new style is the webcam pages, those will get taken care of tomorrow. Besides the page update, I’m feeling a little better about all this. My friends have shown great support and it’s always nice to feel like people care. Thanks guys! Also, I’ve moved my schedule around so I’m working tomorrow (today) morning instead of at night. I didn’t feel like driving that road at night again, that and if I get home earlier I can get to bed earlier. I’ve got to rest up for Area One on wednesday. I’m hoping that that’ll get me back into good spirits again. Well, it’s sleepy time. Later guys.

Current Mood: Improving

I was going to post

I was going to post something tonight about how I’m feeling much better about all this, but that would be a lie. I actually wrote a whole other post and am just now scrapping it for this one. I would like to thank all my friends and family who have expressed concern and well-wishes, they are greatly appreciated. The events of the past few days have made my sit down and seriously re-evaluate my life. I’m still working to describe what I’m going through and will explain it all in detail later. I do have high spirits though. I am feeling better. I realize all that I have and that I’m grateful for and am very thankful for that. I guess I’ve got a good sense of humility to be dealing with this so well (if in fact I’m dealing with it “well” at all). But, I’ll get through it, and everything will turn out alright in the end. I have faith in that. So, I’m sorry for keeping this breif, but I’m going to bed now. I’m going to take some pictures tomorrow but I’ll be sure to let everyone know how I’m doing. Later

Current mood: Semi-stable, sore, and mentaly tired

well. life has officially smacked

well. life has officially smacked the shit out of me. For those of you who thought that my life couldn’t get any worse, life begs to differ. Tonight I was in a car accident which totaled my vehicle. There was a dog in the on coming lane and the other car swerved to avoid it. They crossed the yellow line and struck me midway down the drivers side. I had swerved slightly to avoid it but they still struck hard. The collision sent me into a flat spin and off into the side of the road. They had collided with the driver side door, the backseat and the back wheel well. Apparently, the force had knocked the rear wheel around so much that it came off, taking the transaxle and strut with it. The strut, on its way out, cut the gas tank in half and so the car was a large hazard. I’m ok, only minor cuts and such. Mazda’s have a good record of safety and mine stood up to the challenge rather well considering the other vehicle was a Blazer. Anyway, now since the other girl only has weak insurance, I have to play legal games and try to squeeze enough out of them to buy a new car. I’m certainly not walking back to Savannah. And this concludes the portion of life where we try to fuck Matt up as much as possible. I’m done, seriously, I’m ready to go back to SCAD and forget that this summer even happened. I am however, extremely grateful that I was not seriously hurt. Actually I’m extremely grateful I was not seriously harmed in any of the past events, aside from mentally. For that I should say I’m lucky. I’m going to go to bed now. I’m sure I’ll be giving everyone the details about all this in the days to come. G’night. Later.

Current mood: completely removed from reality. (ie:bad)

Well, Eric called from EB

Well, Eric called from EB today and told me that he hurt his leg and asked if I could come in for the day. Needing the extra cash, I said sure. So, now instead of closing tonight, I’ll be working all day. In other new, Chip and I saw “The Score” last night. Very good indeed. Those of you who are looking for a summer action flick will be disappointed. I’ve seen enough of them and was pleasently surprised. “The Score” is much more of a drama than an action flick. And while the “twist” at the end wasn’t a new thing, it was done very well. The high points for the movie, in my book, were definatly the pacing and the onscreen chemistry between the actors. No single action could have pulled it off, but together it was brilliant. DeNiro and Brando, Norton and DeNiro, all great. Like I had mentioned before, the pacing was also well done. The movie took it’s time, something rarely seen and even more rarely practiced in todays cinema. This movie took it’s time to develope characters, plot, settings, everything. I was watching the evening news last night and the movie reviewer said it was “to slow”. Ha! I say. If it had been any faster it would have ruined the continuity and you would have been able to drive a truck through the plot holes. That reviewer was obviously looking for a summer action flick. I was greatly pleasent that it wasn’t. All in all, it did have its problems, but they were few and far between. I liked it, and probably give it a solid A, the A+ is reserved for the best movie of the summer, which I’ve yet to see. Ok, I’m probably late for work. Later.

Current mood: Happy