File this under: “Feeling sorry

File this under: “Feeling sorry for Austrailian kids.” By now I hope most people know about the different Blink 182 CD versions. Don’t worry if you haven’t, it took me a few to get it strait in my head as well. Ok, the deal is that there’s 4 versions of the CD. Red, Yellow, Green and Clean. R, Y & G are essentially the same but with each having two different bonus tracks (tracks 14 &15). The clean version is, well, just that. Instead of the nifty bonus tracks they have the “Man Overboard” music video. Which, if I remember correctly, was on the live CD as well. Anyway, everyone outside of the US, with the exception of Japan, gets stuck with weird half clean, half normal CD. They get the regular CD, which has obsenities but without the bonus stuff. Odd. I don’t pretend to understand music industry stuff like that. I just listen to the damn album. Ok, at any rate, its Sunday. Normally, since I have a large amount of time off of work, I would be out taking pictures, especially since I’ve got a project I should be doing. But, since it’s very cloudy and thunder showers are headed this way, I figured that wouldn’t be a good idea. So, today is an inside work day. I’m gonna poke around at some more graphics for this page and maybe take a whack at some Winamp 3 skins. After that, maybe I’ll see if Chris and Chip still want to see “Kiss of the Dragon.” Please note, I wouldn’t normally waste my money on movies I know are going to be crappy, but I’m bored out of my mind at the moment. Ok, pixels await. Later.

Current Mood: Bored.

WOOOOOO! That show was freaking

WOOOOOO! That show was freaking awesome! I’ve got so many things to share. We started the day by picking up Brent, driving down rt3, down i95 and 93 into Boston and parked in Copley square. We then went on a quest to find Chris some shoes. We walked the wrong way up Beacon Hill and ended up in Government Center. Which was ok since we needed food anyway and were near Quincy Market. After some good food we took the T back to Copley and started walking the other way towards New Balance for Chris. My ancle was hurting a lot (after twisting it) so me and Brent sat on a bench about half way there and waited for Chris to get back. After a little while, Chris got back with some new shoes and we headed back to the car to drop them off. After that we sat around for a few hours and waited for Avalon to open. At 10 doors opened and we wondered in. The place was completely empty for at least the first half hour or so which left me and Brent time to try the Oxygen Bar, which in case you don’t know, is just flavored oxygen. It doesn’t really do anything for you, it has the same effect as drinking a cup of tea. It just kind of relaxes you a little. The house DJ was still spinning and was pretty crappy and it took a while for him to get into a groove. After that the place started filling up and by 11 it was getting pretty full. Around 11:45 we wondered upstairs and stood 3 feet away from the DJ booth and watched as Darren Emerson came in. He started off his set and the house exploded. We then went down to the floor and danced the night away, two and a half hours on our feet, rockin’ to the house. It was great, it was exactly what I needed. My feet are absolutely killing me and I couldn’t be happier. So, after that, we headed home, back down the highway and I went strait to bed. I wish I could describe the experience to you, its great, letting the music completely take control. I’ve never had that experience at anything other than a club/rave. Not at a rock show, not at a concert, only at something like this. And Darren Emerson certainly didn’t disappoint: moving the floor with some kick ass tracks. Spectacular. And for anything interesting that’s going on today, I’m heading (back) into Boston to pick up my brother whos coming in from Sydney. Also, I got word from Karl (monaux) that I can use those kick ass emotion icons, which was very nice of him, I appreciate that. So, that’s about it. I had a great night and can’t wait to do it again at Area One and Paul Van Dyke later this summer. Later.

Current Mood: Freakin’ Great!

Well, today is the Darren

Well, today is the Darren Emerson show. We’ll probably leave around 12-12:30, meet Brent and then head into Boston. It’ll be kinda weird to hang out with Brent for the day, usually I keep a seperation between work and home (friends), so this will be one of the few times I hang out with someone from work when I’m not AT work. Of course, going with Chris will be great, we usually have a good time at concerts and such. Ok, well, I’m going to grab up a few rolls of film and clean the car out a little. I’ll tell ya how the concert goes at some point tomorrow. Later.

Hmm, well, timing and not

Hmm, well, timing and not wanting to kill myself getting down the highway result in not seeing the Seb Fontaine show. That kinda sucks but it’s one of those “best judgement” situations. My appologies to Chris, but it was just going to cut it to close. But, tomorrow will be great fun, we’ll make a day out of it and such, we’ll hit the New Balance factory show since Chris needs some shoes, putz around Boston a little, have some fun, then see a kick ass show at night. It’ll be fun. Now, what to do tonight has become the new question… Chris is home and checking on movie times, maybe we’ll do that. We’ll see. Later.

Well, considering its 4pm and

Well, considering its 4pm and I’m still here, and Chris isn’t, I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere tonight. Rush hour starts in a little while, and it would take far to long to get there. True we could still make it by 10pm for doors, but what would be the point. The line would be miles long, and we’d be at the back of it. This kinda sucks. I don’t blame Chris though, I know he’s probably been trying to get home as soon as he could and I know he really wanted to go. At any rate, I guess that means I’m not going to be doing much. Maybe a movie or something. We’ll see. Later.