Check. It just started to

Check. It just started to pour outside… maybe god is telling me to stay home… I hope it clears up or else we probably won’t go. Traffic is bad enough, but traffic in a hurricane sucks even more. Urg!

Well, it’s 1pm and no

Well, it’s 1pm and no word from Chris about tonights show, he’s still in CT. Which isn’t really his fault mind you, since he doesn’t have another car. But at any rate, if the info for the show is similar to tomorrows show, then I wanted to leave by 3. I don’t plan on sitting in rush hour traffic on I95 all night. I know doors are at 10 which means we should be there around 8ish to be safe. If there wasn’t any traffic, that would mean we could leave at 6, but as everyone knows, 6 isn’t the best driving hour in the world, so I would say that we should leave around 4 to beat the traffic. That would give us extra time, be able to relax, grab some food before the show and get to the doors in plenty of time. I’m also not sure about this “dress code”. Seems rather silly to me but I can understand the reasons (which I’ll go into at another time). At any rate, Chris isn’t back and I’m wondering at this point if its worth going. I mean, we’re already seeing Darren Emerson tomorrow, is it worth it to bust our asses to get there to be exausted for two shows instead of one… of course it is. But if he doesn’t get home soon, we may not end up going at all. Which would mean I could sleep some more. (yah!) Later.

Well, happy 4th kids! I

Well, happy 4th kids! I actually had a little fun today, it was rather refreshing. I had to work, which wasn’t much of a big deal since no one came into the store anyways, Chip stopped by and then came over after work. My folks did some steaks on the grill, mashed potatoes, etc, and then Chip and I watched Snatch and Dogma on DVD. After that, I checked my email and found a letter from both Chris and Nick. Chris was letting me know some info about the Winamp 3 skinning system and Nick was bored at work up in Alaska and dropped a line to say hi. I appreciated both. It’s great to hear from friends. In other news, Seb Fontaine, world renowned DJ is playing at Axis tomorrow night, Chris and I are going to try and check that out. Then, Friday night, Darren Emerson steps up to the decks at Axis as well. Besides that stuff, I was working on some more graphics, resting a little and playing Bejeweled. I’ve also got to remember to go out shooting some photos this weekend. I’ve got a commission I should be working on and a side project of my own. Ok, it’s probably time for bed; I should rest up for the show tomorrow. Night. Later.

Gotta keep this quick. Gotta

Gotta keep this quick. Gotta get up in 6 hours for work. Lets see. Working in 6 hours, bad. New DVDs, good. Skinning WinAmp 3 with Chris, very good. Having the weekend off, good. Using my weekend to see Darren Emerson, very good. Finding out that Seb Fontaine is coming tomorrow, FREAKING AWESOME. Working on the 4th, not so good. Co-worker, idiots. Blogging with no sleep, interesting. Missing girl-friend, depressing. Seeing two great shows in a row, feeling better. Ok, I must sleep now. Later.