Well, since its technically Tuesday,

Well, since its technically Tuesday, I can officially say… HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHIP!!!! That’s right, our very own Charles L.S. Marshall has been on this chunk of rock we call earth for twenty years now and we’re glad he’s here. Chip, since no one seems to know your cell phone number, stop by the shop or give me a call tomorrow, or leave me your cell number and we’ll see what we can do tomorrow after I get off work. We’ve simply got to do something to celebrate. I’ve had enough shitty birthdays to know that I’m not going to let one of my good friends have one as well. Cheers Chip! Later.

PS: Guess what Chip… its your birthday!

Ok, I promised, so here

Ok, I promised, so here it is. I’ve been working on a new set of header graphics and graphics layout for the site. I was inspired by many of the winamp skins that I have a large collection of, as many of you know. Is 75 skins to many? No, really. So, I’ve been whipping up some cool graphics that will merge the header and side column and add graphical links to the sides. I’m also working on a new layout in general. I have a tendency to generate the layout AS I’m working on the graphics, that way everything fits. Oh well, it’s still a little way off but it’ll get there. Anyway, here’s a sneak peak. It’s been watermarked for various reasons, mostly because a large section is still undone and very stealable. But we hope that won’t happen. Ok, more to come, but it’s dinner time first. Later.

Flipping through the channels last

Flipping through the channels last night I came across “Fatal Fury” the anime on the SciFi channel. It’s frightening how much you can lose through translation and editing. Now, I’ve seen the original movie, in japanese, with subtitles, unedited and last night I thought I was watching a different movie. I’m not sure who edited that copy, but it was complete crap. Ok, I’ll leave that alone, what should I expect for 2am, right? As for today, I think I’m going to head down to the hair salon and get a trim, then I’ve got to return a pair of dress pants to the mall since I got the wrong size. Aight, I’m gonna go get in the shower, I’ll probably let you guys in on my graphics thingy this afternoon, most of you have already seen it, so why not? Ok, I’ll be back. Later.

Hey there. More randomness for

Hey there. More randomness for the moment. First, I can’t wait to see Darren Emerson on Friday. I might have convinced my co-worker, Brent, to join us in having the day off and heading into Boston. Should be cool if he tags along. I wonder if Chris found out any more info about the show (hint, hint, email me.) Also, if you guys haven’t checked out Timo Maas’ new album, I suggest you do so. Thats about all I got for the moment, I hook you fools up with some kick ass links tomorrow, or maybe I’ll unveil my new graphics project, we’ll see. Later.

Whats this! Holy Shit! Matts

Whats this! Holy Shit! Matts writting something… hey guys, take a look at this! (haha, very funny). Ok, I’m back from another great day at work (pla) and have finally taken off my shoes and I’m going to kick back, watch the red sox game and fall blissfully into slumber. Today was fun, it was only me and Brent, so we hung out and poked fun at customers when we felt like it. I’m starting to understand what Eric and Brent say when they talk about nothing being done around the store. I’m not sure what the other associates do, but the three of us who have brains in our heads seem to do all the work. Also, on a funny note, an old lady came in today, saying that she was harrassed by an associate and that she wanted to let managment know. This is funny simply because it was Ash that did it and we all hate him and were looking for a reason to fire him… guess what, problem solved. At any rate, I’m still holding off on the A.I. review till Chip gets around to seeing it, but for those of you who need to read something, you can check out Chris’ page, he pretty much feels exactly the same way as I do. Lets see, what else.. Oh ya, picked up Dogma Special Edition and Snatch Special Edition before legal street date. YAH! The perks of being an employee. Nagle, if you haven’t gotten it already, the Dogam SE is bad ass, go get it! Ok, I guess its time for me to relax a little. I’ll rant some more before bed time. Later.