I just finished going through

I just finished going through the 12 page story of Bob Kolody’s legal battle with Coca-Cola. This isn’t just a legal battle though. What started as a simple debate over copyright issues has turned into the largest media cover-up and breakdown of this country legal system since Watergate. The kicker is that no one has heard about it. Which, for a while, made me believe that the story was fake. After some brief digging, I found that not only the story was true, but so were all of the court cases, filled in the 7th district of Illinois (Chicago). This story details the battle of one man and his legal team to uncover the corruption in the court systems, the secrete corporate espionage and the connections between Coca-Cola and the CIA and their secret involvement in cold war activities. The corruption continues all the way to the highest court in the land, the Federal Court of Appeals. I wish this was a joke, but as far as I can tell it’s not. If you’d like to read more, check this. It’s a long read, but if you’ve got some spare time, I suggest you take a look. I’m gonna get some sleep. This all seems like one big John Grisham novel to me. Later.

On a seperate note. Chris

On a seperate note. Chris and I checked out “The Fast and the Furious” today. It’s the same old summer action movie type of flick. Basically, cop finds car guy, cop races car guy, car guy has a cute sister, cop likes sister, car guy starts to like cop, car guy isn’t such a nice guy, in the end cop helps car guys because they’re now buddies. The movie is just a 2 hour excuse to have nifty looking car chases. Sure, the cars are nice, the action is done well, but it’s still just another summer action movie. This one gets the same recommendation as Tomb Raider and Swordfish… If you’re bored and can catch a matinee, go for it, you might be entertained. But don’t wait in line and pay $8 for it. Same old action movie, all flash with a mildly-entertaining plot. Later.

Well, last night I saw

Well, last night I saw Moulin Rouge and it was spectacular. Lauren, Pete and Nagle had all seen it and said it was great and I can defiantly agree. The story is set in a Bohemian suburb of Paris in which the nightclub/brothel The Moulin Rouge is located. The story is about a writer and a courtess who fall in love and who’s love is unbreakable even if it means certain peril for each other. The back-story is all about the Moulin Rouge itself, the people there and an evil Duke who’s trying to gain control of both the club and Satine (the courtess). I can’t begin to describe the positive points of this movie, everything from the costumes, to the acting and especially the music were extremely well done. The music in particular (since it was a musical) was especially good, incorporating music from our times and infusing it with period melodies from the 1800’s. It quite enthralling to see the Cancan done to remixes (per say) of Nirvana’s “Smells like Teen Spirit”. It has to be seen to be believed. The movie is also extremely visually appealing, having the trademark Baz Lurman bright colors, tight camera work and fast passed movements. All in all, it’s defiantly the first A(A+) movie I’ve seen thus far this summer. I was extremely happy that I went and saw it. Go see it, you’ll be entertained. And I apologize for keeping this one short; I’ve got a lot to do today. Later.

Yah, got some free lunch

Yah, got some free lunch today! I got my old man to take me down to Gabbies. I had some kick ass food. Anyway, I think I’ll take a run over to EB and see what my schedule is. Other than that I’ve just been playing with Trilian all day. its a kick ass multi-program instand message thingy. It covers AIM, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo and even IRC. And best of all its skinable (yah!). You should check it out. Trillian. Maybe I’ll finally get around to doing something other than winamp skins. Later.

Since I start at EB

Since I start at EB in a few days, I figured I’d enjoy the last of my time around the house. Today I made myself some breakfast, watched “The Kids in the Hall” and played CS for a few hours. I am getting fairly bored however. I wish there were things to do in Milford that didn’t require much money. But, I start working in a few days, so that will cure the bordem and the money problem. Ok, back to mindless web browsing. Later.