Aggravation. Pure, unadulterated aggravation. Well,

Aggravation. Pure, unadulterated aggravation. Well, its seems that my own stupidity had kept my new radio from working. Finally figured that out and got that working. On the job front, I’ve now found out that I’m not going to get very much help with my living situation in the fall so it’s time to find a job (or two). I’m seriously considering getting a job as a box-tosser at UPS, working the extended late-shift, blowing my back out, never sleeping, and trying to make enough money to continue living where I’m living in the fall. My situation has deteriorated far worse than I had previously thought. I’m in deep, neck deep, and I haven’t got a dry spot to cling onto for miles. There’s some other stuff that I don’t want to talk about, but needless to say it’s making the situation every worse than it is. I’m not a very religious guy, but at this point you’ve gotta start looking for help from higher powers. Current mood: shittiest ever. Later (if I’m still here).

Ok, got the webcam, desktop

Ok, got the webcam, desktop cam, etc stuff up again. Still some minor changes on those, but will be done soon. I’m still working on the left side, I’m still not happy with it. I added some other sections. Please note that the “Mood Box” and the “Bio” aren’t up yet. Expect those tomorrow at some point. It’s late, I’m tired. G’night. Later

Ok, just before I posted

Ok, just before I posted the message directly below this one, my system cut out. I installed Win 2k a few days ago and today was the first time I’ve encountered any problems. The system seems to loose power for a split second and then restarts. Oh well. And before I forget, I also came across the Win 2k drivers for quickcam today… so expect to see a lot more incredibly stupid pictures of me… not like thats something new right?

Ladies and gentleman, Ray Bourque

Ladies and gentleman, Ray Bourque got his first taste of a cup in 22 years. The Avalanche got off to a quick start with a goal in the first 10 minutes, after fierce battles in the 2nd the Avs went up 3 to 1 and thats the way it stayed. Ray, Bostons son, stayed out on the ice for the last 2 minutes. There was no way he was getting off. With 30 seconds left, the stadium exploded and everyone knew, Ray had finally made it. It was very emotional, and rightfully so. After chasing a dream for your entire career and in finally reaching it in what could be your final game. Ray was more than just teary eyed and so were the rest of us. Ray, all of New England salutes you. Elsewhere, the flood in Texas has stopped for the moment. I’m very glad that Lauren made it back in one piece, I’ve been very worried about the whole situation and her safety these past couple days. In other randomness, the new A.I. trailer is out, and there’s some new info on the mystery. This time a new phrase and a URL appeared at the end of the trailer. Nagle, I’m sure you’re all over this one. Ok, be sure to keep checking out the page over the next few days. More cool stuff to come. Later.

Some minor updates. Added my

Some minor updates. Added my little “mood box” over on the left incase anyone cares. Added a “Link to Me” page and made some buttons this afternoon. I plan on adding some buttons from some of my favorite sites sometime tonight. Ok, thats it, just little stuff. Later