You know, I’d like to

You know, I’d like to state for the record that Nick is one of the most intellectual and deep thinking people I know. It has always been truly a pleasure to know him and to be friends with him. We went for a little drive and some coffee tonight and caught up on each others lives. I’m so impressed at the things he’s been up to. Protesting in Quebec, deciding to double major in Philosophy and CS, riding across the country on a whim for no other reason than to further his own knowledge. I wish I could be as bold in my exploration of life as Nick has been. Maybe one day. Unfortunately, he’s leaving next Friday for a long stay in Alaska working on some NASA programming stuff so we won’t be able to hang out for a good portion of the summer. To you Nick, I raise my coffee cup on high, for being willing to seek out and suck the marrow from life. And I expect a copy of that book. Hehe. Ok, sleepy time. Till later.

Hey kids, just got back

Hey kids, just got back from seeing “Operation Swordfish” with Chris. It wasn’t half bad. You can’t really review action movies with the same expectations as highly artistic pieces. I mean, lots of stuff blew up and no one is going to win an Oscar, but that’s kind of what I expected. John Travolta was his old self and Hugh Jackman did a much better job than in X-Men, and Halle Berry wasn’t half bad. The soundtrack was made by my boy Paul Oakenfold, so it’s very very good. All in all it was a fun 2 hours and I enjoyed myself. Plenty of explosions, gun fights and a moderate amount of plot. Go see it if you like action flicks or don’t have too much on your agenda. Just remember, it isn’t a “think” piece, so enjoy it for it’s pure action aspects. Ok, I’ve gotta go have a nice dinner with the ‘rents. Later.

Well, it was kind of

Well, it was kind of a ghetto way of doing it, but the top image is now a random set of 5. Everytime you refresh the page there should be a new one up top, but remember, there’s only 5, so the odds of getting the same one twice are pretty good. At any rate, they’re a little spiffier than the one I had up there, the colors aren’t quite matching the rest of the page as much as I’d like but I can deal. They’re a lot smaller and less download intensive as well. Out of the 5 I think I really like 2 but I threw in the other 3 as a little variety. At any rate, they’re up. It’s all java-script, so if it doesn’t work for you, please let me know. It works fine in NS 4.76 & 6 as well as IE 5.5 & 6 beta. Ok, back to installing software. Later.

Yippee. Matt’s back online and

Yippee. Matt’s back online and back in buisness. A big thanks to Chris for helping (doing all of it) with the Win2k install. So far I’m very pleased. It hasn’t pissed me off yet. We’ll see how it does tomorrow when I start installing all my apps again. Ok, just wanted to let everyone that I’m back, intacted, online and ready to rock. Oh, before I forget, I finished off 5 new top-title graphics which you guys will get to see after I reinstall some FTP software. You’ll like’em, I promise, they’re much better than the crappy one that’s up there now. Since I did more than one, maybe I’ll make them randomly rotate, like the quotes, which btw will also be updated shortly. You’ll see, it’s all for the better. Later.

Well kids, the machine still

Well kids, the machine still isn’t working. Chris and I installed Win2k last night and everything looked ok until the first boot-up when it decided it didn’t like my display drivers. Anyway, he’s bringing service pack 2 and some drivers over tonight so we should be good to go. The other thing is that my modem may or may not be working. I’m not sure. It’s doing some weird things, but it has power so I’m thinking it might still be my machine. We’ll see after tonight. I hope this is going to work, I can’t be without a computer or a internet connection for much longer. Here’s to hoping it’s going to work. Later