A sad day for us

A sad day for us all. Douglas Adams, author of Hitchhikers
Guide to the Galaxy has died at age 49. You can read more
here… I’m going to go listen to HHGtG in mourning.

CNN Story


Woot! Got out of my

Woot! Got out of my math class early. I had a test
today and got to leave when I finished it. So, I’ll probably
take another whack at my still life picture, since the
original negatives didn’t come out very well. All that
and I got a free t-shirt today. Yippee. Free stuff is
always good, especially when it lets me put off laundry
for a little longer. Till Later.

Alrighty, updated the page a

Alrighty, updated the page a little. Added the desktop cam
thumbnail. Sorry bout the load time. I know its big. But it
was just such a pain in the ass to make seperate thumbnails.
Anyway, added that and the title graphic. Still have some tweaks
and kinks to work out. It’ll be done soon, promise.
Till Later.