Bonjourno’! Ok, it’s finally Friday,

Bonjourno’! Ok, it’s finally Friday, and I don’t really have
anything to do. I could work on photo stuff, which is
probably what I’ll end up doing, but other than that,
I’m just gonna putz around the dorm for the morning.
Oh, I found a nifty little thing called NewsBlog which works
with Blogger which is what I use to update this page
daily (almost). So, if you see any random little news items,
that would be the reason. They’ll probably just look like
links to headlines. I haven’t given it a try yet, but I probably
will after breakfast. Speaking of which… be right back. Later

Wow, what a random day.

Wow, what a random day. No classes, so I got some work done. Web
work to be exact. I could have used some time in the darkroom like I
had scheduled, but the bomb threat kinda canceled those plans. So I
played a little CS, bought some food, went over the girlfriends house,
made some dinner, relaxed and then came home. My roommate is out
filming a final project, so I’ve got the place to myself. But thats ok because
theres hockey on ESPN and Colorado just went up 3 to 1. I’ve got some
cookies, soda, my hockey jersey on and no homework due tomorrow.
Life is good. Anyway, I’m gonna go watch the game now. Take it easy,
Till Later.

Well, it’s 11:30 am (despite

Well, it’s 11:30 am (despite what the above time stamp says)
and I just found out that I don’t have to go to class. Some nut-job
called in a bomb threat to all SCAD buildings…so, no classes till 6.
Which is good…sorta, I guess….so long as shit doesn’t blow up.
So, I’m NOT going to be around today, just incase, wouldn’t want to
catch shrapnel in the ass. Later.