If it weren’t for my

If it weren’t for my horse, I wouldn’t have spent that year in college…
Anyway, quick post. I didn’t feel very good today, so some extra sleepy
time was in order. I’m not sure why, I haven’t been feeling good for a
few days now. Regardless, go visit landofsunshine.net, download some
of Dave’s great Impulse Tracker tracks, great stuff. Well, in other news,
finals are starting up, got a lot of projects to work on, so, if I don’t update
daily, please forgive me. Till later.

Well kids, I worked at

Well kids, I worked at this page a little tonight. I added the guys under the
affiliates and friends links on the left. I also got a random java-script going,
which you can see at the top of the page, just under the title. I’m going to
restructure soon and add a few extra side pages. Pictures, links, random
shit like that, we’ll see… Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know about
the small little changes. Take it easy. Till later.

Almost forgot. I got the

Almost forgot. I got the classes I wanted, so, for all you SCAD kiddies,
I’ll be seeing you in both the Color Photo Lab AND the Digital Lab.
Hehehe, just two more places to cause trouble 🙂

Blarg. I had a pretty

Blarg. I had a pretty shitty day today, so I’m not much in the
mood for, well, anything.Of quick note, if you’re a photographer,
or a photography student, check out the “Iford Product Data
Guide”. It’s basically ALL of Ifords white-papers in one book.
I got mine for free today, so you may want to check with your
local photo retailer about getting one. Normally they’re only $4.99.
It gives great insight into all of Ilfords products, developing times,
that sort of thing. It’s a little disappointing that it doesn’t mention
film developing times in to many other chemicals though.
It does have the biggies, so unless you’re using something
complete obscure, you should be fine. Non-the-less, its a great
little book to have in your pocket if you’re heading into the darkroom.
Ok, I’m off, I think a little sleep and relaxation is in order.
Or maybe a cup of tea, we’ll see what comes. Till later.

Arrg! Haven’t posted in three

Arrg! Haven’t posted in three days! Shit! Sorry bout that.
Anyway, been a little busy. On Friday, I headed over to the
baseball game and took some pictures with the 4×5, they
came out pretty good. I’ll post the work-prints later. On
Saturday I had a little picnic in the park and took in the city’s
annual Shakespear Fest. This year’s production was the classic
12th Night. It was my fist time seeing 12th Night on stage and
I was very impressed. Today was also a work day, I headed over
to the darkroom and developed the negatives from Friday.
So, that’s where I’ve been this weekend. I actually haven’t had much
time for anything. Ok, sorry to keep it short, but Malcom in the Middle
is on and after that, I’ve got to pick classes for the Fall. Oh,
before I forget, go get the new Final Fantasy movei trailer. GO!
Go now! I’m serious….why aren’t you leaving…go now.
*click here*