Hehehe. Quick post. I found

Hehehe. Quick post. I found this in the newspaper this morning.
It needs a slight explination. You see, there were hippies. Lot’s
of hippies. Last week, there was a concert at the Civic Center
across the street featuring the band Widespread Panic. Along
with WP, the town was invaded by hundreds of un-bathed idiots.
They quickly realized that there were not enough bathrooms for
all their pot-smoking asses and wondered over to our residence
hall. We were not please. Basically, they had desided to use the
side of the dorm as a bathroom stall. We fought back… and this
is one of the funnier bits… caught forever in the imortal pages of
a local newspaper. Enjoy… *click me*

Till later.

Hey kids. Well, the Savannah

Hey kids. Well, the Savannah Sand Knats got the crap
kicked out of them last night, 7-0 in favor of the
Columbus RedStixx. Oh well, I’m going back tonight to
“officially” take photos. Which should be cool. I’m
shooting for a style somewhat close to Nicholas Nixon.
If you’re not sure who that is, check him out, he’s
pretty good. Anyways, I’ve got to appologize to the
kids on GK! this morning, I was playing with the
gravity and they were freaking out. It was kinda funny
though. Ok, anyway, I’m off to lunch with Lauren. I’ll
update again later and let you know how the shoot went.
Till later.

Well, the Sensitive 8 continue

Well, the Sensitive 8 continue to dominate in their reign of
emotional terror. As we get closer to the semesters end, the
kids around here are getting more and more touchy. People
are angry at people for being angry at other people, that kind
of thing. It’s rediculous. They should all just shut the hell up
and stop acting like a bunch of 2 year olds. Sit down, talk it
out, yell it out if nessisary, but do it quick because I’m sick
of listening to it. Anyway, on to other topics…

Tribes 2, I’m very disappointed in. Counter-Strike is still my favorite.
I gave Tribes 2 a shot and was very let down. The controls are
close to CS but still a little aggrivating in mid-battle. The maps are
borring and your team-mates are usually idiots. The whole point
of this game was for “Team Play” but if you’re not playing at a LAN
party then it’s kinda pointless. You don’t know anyone and don’t
really give a crap about them. And you certainly aren’t going to follow
their “orders”. So, unless everyone on the internet is about to get
good and friendly with their team-mates, I’m sicking with CS.

Other random news…
I paid to much for cable today. It was around $70 for tv and internet.
Thats friggin’ nuts. I have to pay in advance, so at the end of this month
I’m disconnecting my service. Also, the Savannah Sand Knats are playing
tonight against the Cleveland Red-Stixx, so I’m gonna go to that. It should
be a good game. Till later.

Woot! Guess who got published

Woot! Guess who got published today? Yup, me.
I’m officially a “published” author now. Yippee!
I got some of my work published in the campus publications
called the “District” and “Brushworks”. I was totally blown away,
I had forgotten about entering my stuff, so it came as a great
surprise. Let’s see, what else. Well, the new John Digweed
album continues to blow me away, Global Underground always
seems to put together some good shit. On other random notes,
the Sensitive 8 have struck again and everyone around here is
getting on each others nerves, anger is escilating and things
are probably about to blow. But thats ok, I’m not in the middle
of this one. I’ll just stand by the sidelines and watch the shit
hit the fan… till later.

Pla. Bought “Emperor’s New Groove

Pla. Bought “Emperor’s New Groove SE” today, it’s busting at the seams
with nifty extras. In other news, condolences have to go out to Chris for
the evil that Microsoft has inflicted apon him. BAH! to Microsoft, BAH!
He was lined up for an internship this summer and was given the shaft
because the evil empire realized that they had taken to many interns
already. Well, at least he’ll be able to go to the Area Festival this
summer with me. Can’t wait to see Oakenfold and Moby, it should be a
great evening of entertainment. Ok, I’ve gotta run, my roomie doesn’t have
the AC on and I need to find some place cold to hang out. Till later.