1 down, 2 to go. Classes that is. I have Studio at 3 and hopefully I can turn in my final portfolio today so I won’t have to come to class on Wednesday. That would be cool. Then all I have left is History of Jazz tomorrow and Thursday. I’m going to try my best to get out of Jazz on Thursday because I want to be with Lauren when she goes to the airport. Her plane leaves at 6 and I have class until 5:30. I’ll probably tell the teacher that I’m the one leaving at 6, so I can probably leave early.
Digital class went well. Everyone liked the Flash stuff. I’m probably going to take the intro animation down when I get a spare minute since I really don’t like it very much. But, the critique went well and so I’m fairly sure I did fine grade wise in there. The only things really left to do as far as the site is concerned is the portfolio sections. When I get a spare second I’ll scan in more color and studio work and that’ll be that.
That’s about it as far as whats going on around here. Tonight I’m going to go see Lauren and see if I can do anything to help with one of her projects. Other than that I just have to make a little colage in Photoshop tonight and I’ll be done.
Oh, last thing, if you can find it, download a copy of Deep Dish’s Essential Mix. They’ve done two although Tracklistings.org seem to think otherwise. The older one is from 12-07-98 and the newer one I have isn’t labeled. But they’re both friggin fierce! If you need some techno to get you moving, find these. Find them now.
Carry on.
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