What a pile of bull-shit.

What a pile of bull-shit. Now the RIAA is targeting individual users instead of file-sharring programs. At least, that their plan. They still haven’t worked out the details on their attacks since they have the obvious problem of being “a pile of bull-shit.” They claim that CD sales numbers are down for the first time since 1983 and blame file sharring and cd burners for the problem. I have a different idea of what the problem might be… SHITTY MUSIC! How about this: why don’t the record companies stop pushing crappy rap-pop into our faces and start trying to find good, musically talented bands that might actually sell records for the pure fact that they don’t suck. Hmmm, nope, we’d rather support another Brittney Spears album or some Creed B’sides and sit around with our thumbs up our asses trying to figure out why they’re not selling. Come on people! Wake up and listen to the crap that’s on corporate radio and you can instantly tell why it’s not selling. Because it all sucks, it all sounds the same and none of it is worth buying. Come on corporate record guy, put down your lawsuit and do your job. Go find some garage band with talent and help restore some faith in the music industry. Don’t just recycle the same crap, slap an “Eminem remix” sticker on it and try to sell it. Even the mentally retarded 14 year old mall-rats are starting to catch on. And you know you’re in trouble when someone wearing an NSYNC tshirt is calling your bluff.

Well, it turns out that

Well, it turns out that the wiring in my house is to blame for my bad connection speeds and shitty cable modem service. Why am I not surprised?

Anyway, Happy Birthday to Chip, whose birthday was technically yesterday but since I didn’t have an internet connection I’m mentioning this now.

Also, it’s the 4th of July, which means hamburgers, potato salad and domestic beer. The beer I will not be participating in. My folks rented Gosford Park and The Majestic, so I’ll probably be watching those later. Of course I’m going to watch the Indiana Jones marathon on AMC first. Hehehe.

Tomorrow it’s back to work all day. I think I’ll be removing shrubbery but then again the crazy lady I’m working for always changes her mind, so who knows.

It’s your typical story: man

It’s your typical story: man works his ass off, gets married, has a few kids, dies and eventually the kids want nothing to do with the parents or their estate. I’m not talking about me, I’m talking about this semi-crazy older lady that I worked for today. You see, my Dad is on the way to becoming a contractor, or at least a handy-man, and today he asked me if I’d help him out a little. I said sure figuring I would do some light repairs, maybe paint something, stuff like that. I was wrong. Today, I got to mow the grass. Not just someone’s back yard mind you, I cut “their property.” As in “these are the 20 acres of land I own, now please give it a trim.” Sure, 20 acres is a bit of an exageration, but I most certainly cut the equivelant of Fenway park. I kid you not. It took 5 hours and 3 tanks of gas in the mower. My hands hurt so much from the stupid lawn mower that I can’t even make a fist. I’m actually typing this very very slowly with only a few fingers. It was the second most tiring activity I’ve ever been engaged in. A very close second to moving my apartment last month. At least today it wasn’t 100 degrees. It was only a brisk 90. And the humidity wasn’t anywhere near 100%, it was much closer to 80. So, as you can see, I’m a bit on the tired side. I think I’ll go take a nap.