Another day… another something…

Well, I talked to Adecco this morning. My temp assignment at the bank ended on Monday but apparently I did such a good job they’re looking to have me go back. The bank manager called and said that she was working on finding a near-permanent position for me for the rest of the summer. It’ll probably take a day or two of figuring out the details but I was told I might be back at the bank by the end of the week. If it doesn’t work out they’re looking at hooking me up with something else. So, I’m hopeful but I know anything could happen and I’m not holding my breath.

This afternoon I also offered to give Jason a ride home from work. He’s lost his driving prividges for various reasons and was stuck in Chelmsford. Dinner was my reward and I indulged in a very tender filet at Longhorn Steakhouse. It really hit the spot. I hadn’t had real meat in a while. We’ve done burgers on the grill over the past few weeks, but nothing compairs to a tasty steak every once and a while. Yum.

Oh, and I also did a little graphic design for Chip today. He’s currently working on a redesign for and was looking for a logo/banner graphic. I happen to like doing that sort of thing so I whipped a little something up. You can keep checking his site and I’m sure he’ll let you know if he’ll be using it or not. Since it technically his logo, I’ll let him link it if he wants to. If he wants to keep it a secret until the finished redesign, he can do that to.

Chris does it again

Chris, you da bomb in code yo!

A big huge thanks to Chris for figuring out that I misplaced some CGI code. Now that it’s back the comments should be working again. Not that anyone really cares since “readers” seem to have disappeared as of late. No matter, there are the few of you who read on a regular basis and for you, we’ll press on. Note that I’m using “we” in the “royal we” sense and not the “voices in Matt’s head” sense. Of course, it is nearly midnight, so anything could be going on at this point. Anyway, bed time. Night.

working… not working…

whether you’re talking about me personally or this site in general the answer at this point is “sorta.” Today was my last day at Granite Bank which means that by the end of the week I’ll be some place else. Or, since the operations manager thought I did such a good job, I might be right back at the bank. But, that’s for them to sort out in the next few days. I’m supposed to call the temp agency tomorrow and see what’s up and what they have for me next.

Back to the website, I’m still working on it. I think I know what the problem is with the weird font sizes and so I’ll probably fix that tonight… if of course the thunderstorm lets up. As for the comments not working… I have no idea. I’ll poke at that in a little bit. I’d also like to add a “posted by” line at the end. Incase you didn’t read carefully, that last post was actually from Chris, who’s been helping me out with this whole thing. I appreciate that very much (just in case I hadn’t mentioned that enough).

Seeing as how my job today involved nothing more than folding things, I had a lot of time to think. I thought mostly about the downfall of modern society, commercialism and technology that will turn around and bite us in the ass. In my head I prepared a whole long, involved metaphor about DMR (digital managment rights) and how everything is going to hell. I won’t bore anyone with it but if you’d like to hear Matt rant for about an hour, ask me about it sometime.

Anyways, now I’m home, I’m about to take a shower and relax a bit. I don’t have work in the morning and my girl is supposed to call me tonight. Despite a little stomach pain (which I can only assume to be from lunch) I’m doing pretty well all things considered. Well, I can hear the thunder and the lights just flickered so it’s time to get off the PC. Later.

testng again

this is a test of the title system….

matt. just make up a title on the page and it’ll put in it. if you don’t want titles then edit the template to take out the title block 🙂