Random Job #1: Granite Bank

Random Job #1: Granite Bank – Milford

What a mindnumbingly simple job. I basically sort papers all day. For the next three days I take the stack of papers on the left side of my desk and move them to one of two “out boxes” on the right side of my desk. I’m seperating “local” and “out of town” mail. They’re mostly bank statements. If something needs an envelope, I give it one. If it does not, it merely gets sorted. I do this for about 15 minutes at a time. Mainly because every 15 minutes the bank manager (a nice 75 year old lady named Linda) walks by and tells me that I’m working to hard and that I should take a brake. So I do. Then when she walks back and I didn’t take a brake (what would be the point) she mentions how they’re lucky to get a good temp this time. This continues until 5pm, then I go home.

That’s about it. I’m situated between two other older ladies who keep showing me pictures of their grand children and playing oldies music really loud on the radio because they can’t really hear it any more. I don’t really mind that at all since at least it isn’t “soft rock” or some other form of radio dribble.

My eye is doing better. It’s not nearly as red as it was. The only problem now is that it gets “tired” easily and I have to keep closing it to “refresh” it, so it looks like I’m a pirate half the time. Oh well.

Current mood: tired
Current tune(s):
Kai Tracid – Life is Too Short & Chemical Brothers – Come With Us (norman cook mix)

Hmm, with the prices on

Hmm, with the prices on wireless network solutions dropping like pennies from heaven I’ve been seriously thinking about picking up something like this for apartment life in Savannah. It would be nice to sit in my living room and surf or to not have to worry about running cables across the apartment. Then again, I already own a hub, cables and networking odds and ends so spending money when I don’t have to seems kind of silly. Then again, look at this thing, it’s sweet. It’s also $150. The wireless network card to go with it would be about $75 and then I’d be good to go. I dunno, it seems like a “cool idea” but it’s also a tad expensive. Maybe I’ll pick some wireless up if I win the lotto. I’ve got to save my money for more important things… like jewelry. Hehehe.

Well, some good news. I’m

Well, some good news. I’m now an employee of Adecco, a temp agency. What’s funny is that the person I “interviewed” with was actually an old EB employee, so that made the process a little easier. Thankfullly he remembered me as well and so he “hooked me up” with an instant job at a bank in town. He’s supposed to call tonight and give me the details and I could be starting as early as tomorrow. I get paid a flat rate from the temp agency and the jobs only last a week or so, then I move on to the next one. He said that since he knew I worked well, he could easily keep me “in jobs” for the rest of the summer. It’s nice to think that you’re remembered as a “good employee” and that people are out there to help other folks out. I should have done this sooner. I guess we’ll see how the job turns out tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Somehow my “fantastic day” continues

Somehow my “fantastic day” continues into today as well. For the past few days my eys were a bit red. I didn’t think anything of it since durring the summer they usually are (damn allergies!). But today I woke up to full blown pink-eye. Great. Now I have to go to the doctor (which I can’t pay for) to see which kind of pink-eye it is. There’s three kinds you know: Viral conjunctivitis (usually affects only one eye), Bacterial conjunctivitis (affects both eyes and causes a heavy discharge) and Allergic conjunctivitis (affects both eyes and causes itching). Odds are I have Viral. Why? Because it’s only in one eye and I’ve been rubbing both. If it was going to spread, it would have. Great, how am I supposed to go on job interviews looking like this. Visine has been helping a bit, maybe I’ll drop a few drops of that in before I go inside anywhere. Not a bad plan. Ok, I’m off to job hunt, wish me luck.

Well, now I feel really

Well, now I feel really crappy. I couldn’t go with Chip to a movie because I’m tired already and I’ve got to get up early tomorrow and build a f’ing deck. That is, unless I can convince my Dad to do indoor repairs tomorrow seeing as how it’ll be the hotest day of the year, so the weatherman says. Weathermen are morons but I have a sneaking suspicion that it’s going to be hot tomorrow regardless. If I don’t have to build a deck I’m going to use the day to get in contact with a photographer in Merrimack, several temp agencies and even the local Dominos (because they have a “Drivers Wanted” sign up). I wouldn’t mind delivering pizza. You’d smell pretty good at the end of the night and the tips probably aren’t half bad. I know the area pretty well, I’ve only lived here for 20+ years, and I have a car. I feel that this pretty much qualifies me. We’ll see tomorrow. At the moment I’m actually feeling pretty crappy so I think I’m just going to get something to eat and then go to bed early. Later.