Game Night

Woot. Another weekend game night. CS and Jedi Knight 2 were enjoyed as always.

Oh, I should also point out that Nagle left me a little present. A link to one of the funniest cartoons on the planet. THANKS NAGLE!

Rejected by Don Hertzfeld

And because I missed it… this weeks Friday Five:

1. Do you have a car? If so, what kind of car is it?
I’m the proud owner of a shitty 1990 Oldsmobile ’88. I don’t know for how long though, it’s going to be replaced soon.

2. Do you drive very often?

3. What’s your dream car?
1969 Cadillac Elderado or 1959 Chevy BelAir

4. Have you ever received a ticket?
One, but it was bullshit. I fought it and didn’t get the points on the licence.

5. Have you ever been in an accident?
Yes. A head-on with a SUV. Stupid SUVs. It wasn’t my fault and I got money to get a new car from the morons insurrance company because she was a friggin’ asshat.

Quote of the Day

MagusXL: or have a search option for “don’t show me crap I can’t download because you asshats don’t make backups”

docholoday: hehehe… you said “asshats”. that’s funny

MagusXL: actually, I only typed it.

docholoday: yes, but the voices in my head do a good chip impression


Randomness across the w3 (www) today.

Seems Chip has updated and switched over to Moveable Type. Huzah for him. I guess after poking at him and showing him how it works he must have taken a likening to it. Now if only we could get him to switch his personal journal. heheheh.

Also, sadly, NeoWin closed its doors temporarily yesterday. One of my personal favorite sites for windows, software and game news. They’ll be missed until their return.

Lastly, after seeing one last night, I want one of these more than ever. I want the G4 PowerBook with a huge-ass studio display. Hot damn!

Laugh… it is funny.

Also funny… sad in a “we’ll sue for anything nowadays” sort of way, but funny.

Lastly, it’s Photoshop Friday over at Something Awful. Go see what depravity they’ve come up with this week. I believe we have parodies of CD covers this time around.

WinAmp 3

As most of you probably already know, a final version of Winamp 3 was released today. Normally, a huge update to the most popular audio player in existance would be a good thing, but this has been slightly aggrivating. Not because of the player itself, but because of Deviant Art. The program itself is a might fine piece of work but any skinable program worth its salt obviously needs the skins to back it up. The skinning system has been public for quite some time but only a few skinners have stepped up to the plate to make interesting and useful skins. The problem is amplified by Deviant Arts unfortunate harddrive falure. The crash has yet to be recovered from and 95% of the archives at Deviant Art are unusable. So, whats a boy to do? Well, make his own, that’s what. Months ago, when WA3 was only a whisper, Chris and I thought that this would finally be our great leap into skinning. I’d create the graphics and he’d code the XML for us. Well… I’m insainly close to getting Photoshop rockin and starting on my very first project. Look out world, here comes Matt and Chris… that is, if Chris is still interested.

Sitting around the house

Seeing as how my entire family is in California and Lauren left yesterday, I’m finding myself all alone. I have the entire house to myself until Sunday afternoon. It’s fantastic. I wish Lauren was still here obviously, but getting to have some breathing room from one’s family is always a welcome opportunity. I’ll probably sit around the house, watching The Daily Show on Comedy Central, playing GTA 3 and eating left over pizza. What fun. I’ve even had some vague ideas for sprucing up this page a little. Who knows. Well, it’s shower time for me. Later.