Another day

You know, it’s getting really hard to title these dumb things. I can’t think of anything good anymore… not like that’ll stop me though. Well, today I went and paid Chip and Dave a visit. Or, more accuratly I paid Chip a visit since Dave has apparently dropped off the planet and no one really knows what he’s up to. I had wanted to talk to Dave about assisting him with a few photo shoots while I was home this break. I hope he needs an assistant because I’m very much against going back to EB. So, I hung out with Chip for a bit before going and getting some lunch. After that I can back here and watched old News Radio reruns.

I had grandeous plans of redesigning some web pages and finally putting the finishing touches on Damn I’m lazy. That site not being up is pretty much entirely my fault. I was either busy with school or so not busy that I was finding better things to do. You know how it is. The right level of “busy” is very hard to maintain. You don’t want to overwork yourself but you certainly want to keep yourself occupied.

So, instead of making web pages, I browsed them, in search of loan alternatives to those Wells Fargo bastards. I applied for a Nellie Mae loan and it’ll take 24 hours to process so I’ll know by tomorrow. I did it without a co-signer so my odds of getting it are pretty slim but if I can do it without involving my parents then all the better. They have their own finances to worry about without having to deal with mine.

Other than that I’ve just been sitting here, waiting for my folks to get home so I can figure out what I’m doing about dinner. Most of the time we just don’t have dinner so we do our own thing, but every now and again we do. More often than not the times we’re having food are the times that I have plans so I usually miss out. Everytime I stay in and don’t have anything to do (like tonight) I usually end up with toast. We’ll see.

Thats about it. Oh, and Age of Mythology is weird. I’ll explain later.

Brake Down

I don’t break down often, but I just did. I don’t know what to do anymore. Wells Fargo, those communist sons-of-bitches, just told me that because I don’t have enough income they were denying my student loan. I asked how much I needed to actually get a loan and they said in the ballpark of $10,000. I find that humorous especially since I was only asking for $6000 as a loan. Don’t you think that if I had $10,000 that I might be able to just pay it off monthly and wouldn’t really need a loan. I seriously don’t know what to do. I straitened out my other loan stuff and I just have to return some paperwork, so I’m 99% set on 2/3 of my money. I guess thats good. Wells Fargo was supposed to be the other 1/3 of that. I was getting $2500 from NHHE, $2500 from Wells Fargo and $2000 for the government a semester. The bill was $6500 which would have left me $500 for supplies. It would have worked out. Now I’m short and I’m fucked. I don’t know what to do. I’m going to call Fleet and see if I can get something from them but I don’t know what the chances of that are. I have no other options. I had also “paid” off last semester so that extra money was going to buy Christmas presents, now I can’t even do that. I have $3000 on my credit card, less than $100 in my bank account, no loans and no options. Like I said, I don’t break down often but today it was certainly warrented. The Wells Fargo loan was supposed to be all set and then they tell me they can’t find it and that I’ll need to apply again. Sure, why not, so I get all the way through the process and at the end they go “ok, lets run the credit check” and then say “oops, it looks like you don’t have enough credit to get the loan, sorry Mr.Perry.” Fuck you. Fuck you and your stupid loans. Fuck SCAD for being so goddamn expensive. Fuck everything. I am not my credit report, I am not my credit card limit, I am NOT my fucking khakies. I am a human being, whos going to art school, whos trying to make it to the point where he can support himself and pay some of this back. I need to go to bed. Fuck this.

Slightly better news

Well, my day has been getting a little better. I checked my email a little while ago and it seems I’ve won a contest over at I’ve won a subscription to StarDocks subscription game service. Huzah for me! There were plenty of other prizes up for grabs and I was picked for this one. Although a copy of Icon Workshop or Nero would have been awesome, this is certainly a welcome surprise. Thanks Neowin!

Also, after talking it over with my folks, they’re thinking about combining Christmas and my birthday and getting possibly getting me a Clie. While thats terrific, I now don’t know which one I want. If I’m not paying for it myself it’s going to a: be color and b: have a few huge memory sticks as well as a mini-keyboard. I really really wanted one with a WiFi card but apparently the only ones that have that are the new NX series ($500+) so that’s probably out of the question. I think a nice T series would fit nicely, perhaps a PEG-T665C. We’ll see. Anyway, just wanted to share.

James Bond, finacial ruin and mexican food

I hate how my father approaches things. His way of “suggesting” aka: telling you to do something is to bring it up in the most backhanded way possible and then argue all it’s rational points so that it doesn’t seem quite so bad. For example, mere momements ago I got “so, are you going to EB tomorrow?” Meaning “you’re going to get a job for this break right?” “Umm, I think they’re hiring and if you could make some extra money this break it would only help yourself.” Gee, thanks, I couldn’t have figured that out on my own. I do realize that money it tight. Infact, of the four of us, I’m probably the most broke. You don’t have to tell me how little money I don’t have. I’m the one living off $50 a month… not you. Then, to add some rational bits to this cocked-hat he says “you know, because I’m usually either working everyday or I’m in here (meaning my room) working on the computer… so, umm, you can’t be sleeping until noon.” Well, that’s just fantastic. Now, not only am I expected to work durring my ONE BREAK this year, if I’m not working I can’t sleep in. “Well, you could sleep in your brothers room” he says. Yah, right, I drove 1200 miles to visit with family and friends to not be able to sleep in my own bed because it incoviences you. Riigghhtt… I’m seriously considering just driving back to GA and coming back up for Christmas. Fuck, the last thing I want to do after a stressful semester at school is work retail durring the holidays. That would certainly let my blood pressure go back down. I’ll deal with that later once I’ve decided what I want to do about work, if I want to, and where.

Lets see, what else. Friday I went out with Chris and Tess to Margaritas in Nashua. They had some catching up to do and I was playing the part of the 3rd wheel. Or actually the 8th wheel as it turned out. Tess’ friend Georgia was there who called her friend (who I can’t remember the name of) who showed up and then saw three of her friends in the resturant who also joined us. So, it went from a few people to 8 people in about a half-hour. I didn’t know anyone but Chris and Tess and felt instant 3rd wheel syndrome. I guess Chris and Tess got to hang out a little but I couldn’t tell over the noise from the other folks and the fact that I was all the way at the end of the table. Chris and I talked about it afterwords and we’ve decided that we’re just not socializing types of people. I’m all for going out in a group and having fun, but not when I don’t know anyone else and I’m forced to “small talk” with people I could care less about talking to. It was a little fun though, I had never been to Margaritas except for a quick lunch and it’s a nice place. That and the quesidilias (sp?) were tasty.

Saturday I started off with a trip to Nashua with Chris to get his sisters snowboard waxed and ended up spending half and hour in Newbury Comics. Ahh, Newbs… you’ll be the death of my credit limit. Chris was also looking for a mixer to go with the TURNTABLES he’s planning on buying. I hate him. A lot. Well, ok, I don’t hate Chris, I’m just insainly jelous. So, after that we had a quick bite to eat at Papa Ginos and headed home. Chris was going out with his folks for dinner and then leaving today so I figured I’d give Chip a call since I hadn’t seen him yet. Chip was at home playing a little Final Fantasy so I figured I’d join him. After a little bit we figured we’d go see the new Bond movie and do a little WarDriving along the way. The movie was… well, semi-crappy. There was violence, cool cars and no plot. Hey, it’s a Bond movie, what did you expect? So, more or less disappointed in that we headed back to Nashua to grab a bite to eat before dropping Chip off at home. I think Chip is at a hockey game today with his parents so he’s probably tied up. Since he’s busy and Chris is leaving it looks like another day on the couch, much to my father shagrin. Hey, it’s my break, if I want to be lazy, I can. I deserve it. I’m going to graduate cum-lauda (with honors) in the spring and I worked my ass off for it. I deserve to rest and repair my mind a little when I have the chance and if that means sitting on the couch and watching HBO, so be it.

As for what I’m going to be doing in the days to come, I’ve got no clue. Working at EB would have the single advantage of being something to do. But it’s many downsides are souring me on the idea. I’d like to spend my break talking with and assisting actual photographers. Maybe I should come up with a list and spend a little time on the phone in the next few days. We’ll see.

I also had an opportunity to check my SCAD email a few minutes ago. THOSE FUCKING ASSHATS! The Bursars Office has yet to process not one but two of my loans that the paperwork was turning in on two months ago. I got an email saying that if I didn’t pay my tuition by Dec 9th I’d be charged $150 and if not by the 26th I’d be dropped from all my classes. I’d like to point out that there’s simply nothing I can do. Literally. THEY have to process my loans. I can’t do it for them. THEY are the reason that THEY don’t have their money. But, they’ll charge me $150 because THEY are too fucking slow. God I hate those people. I can’t physically make them do anything faster. My life is in a big giant pile of paper on someone’s desk and they’ll “get to it” whenever they feel like it. It’s enraging. I’m not going to do anything as drastic as threaten physical violence but I’m not going to be my usually ball of sunshine on the phone tomorrow when I call them at 9am to make sure they understand my displeasure at the current situation. “There’s no sense in stressing about it”, my mom tells me, “it’ll only make your blood pressure go up.” She’s right. I think it’s time to watch Lord of the Rings or something. In a little bit I’ll give Lauren a call too, she always makes me feel better.
