Well, today it seems I’ll be spending all day with my family. My brother is home from school and they seem to want to take me out to dinner for my birthday. I asked for Longhorn, Olive Garden or The Outback. My brother had the idea of seeing Lord of The Rings as a family since no one other than me has been able to see it. I don’t really mind seeing it again, it wasn’t too bad. I think we might be going to Outback since it just happens to be next door to the movie theater. We’ll see though.
I also talked to my mom about getting the Clie and she seemed to think it was possible but I would have to use the money my grandparents sent me for Christmas as well. I figured as much and had actually planned on doing that anyway. So, I’m looking up places with the best prices. So far CompUSA is winning with $299 but SonyStyle.com has it for $349 and a free leather case. CompUSA seems more realistic. We’ll see what happens.
Matt out.
I am confused – CompUSA (retch, spit, curse) has the Clies for $299 but you can pay $349 for it at SonyStyle and get a FREE case? You can call me stupid (be careful) but it would seem to me that the FREE case actually costs $50 (plus shipping, handling, and personal abuse).
Where was Chip on Saturday…..
I think that’s what I’m going to end up doing. But I’ll probably pick up some accessories (memory sticks, a/c adapter) from NewEgg.com or TigerDirect. I can’t justify spending $100 on a sony memory stick I can get for $35 elsewhere. But yes, I think SonyStyle is probably the way to go… and I get the upside of not going to CompUSA. I don’t mind the store if I’m only buying a network cable or a game, but the incompetence of their employees makes me weary to buy anything over $30.
And… I have no idea where Chip was.
Sorry about Saturday, I spent the day with Andrea. I’ll explain more later.