by Matt | Jun 5, 2003 | Imported Entry
My router. The best thing I ever purchased. With it, I’ve jacked into my parents DSL and I’m successfully back online. I had to pry the password out of my father because he was convinced I was going to use it to, quote, “mess with his system”. Umm, right, like I’d even turn that 10 year old paper-weight on and wait the 15 minutes for Windows 95 to boot. They’re so convinced that I bring the computer equivalent of the black death home with me every time I visit since there’s always something wrong with their system while I’m here. Apparently no one told them that Windows 95 isn’t exactly the most stable of operating systems.
So, I can read email once again. Huzzah.
Let’s see. As for day to day things, yesterday Chip and I went to see Finding Nemo. For me this was the second time but Chip hadn’t seen it yet and it was good enough to see twice. It was equally enjoyable the second time around. Today I went and had lunch with Chip, Dave, Dave’s friend Dave and his wife. It was rather tasty. After lunch I washed and waxed the car and did the windows. It started raining a little and I didn’t have time to clean out the inside. This evening I did 4 or 5 loads of laundry, watched the hockey game and searched for jobs. I actually found 3 and I’ll be applying/contacting them on Monday. This, added to my list of 20 or so photographers in the area, seems like a good place to start. I’m also going to contact the Nashua Telegraph and Manchester Union Leader (newspapers for those of you out of state). A pretty good day.
Tomorrow I start contacting people about jobs. I’m not holding out for anything in particular and I plan to pretty much blanket the market and make sure everybody and their brother knows I can shoot for them. We’ll see how it goes.
Oh, and a weird computer sound issue has shown up. Anyone ever had their sound coming out with an echo? I don’t have anything soundcard related installed except for the drivers (no weird Creative Control Pannel or anything). I didn’t change anything and can’t find a way to turn it off. Any suggestions?
Oh, and outgoing email doesn’t seem to be working. Someone remind me, do I have to have SSL turned on for outgoing mail from hindenburg? Cause I do. It worked once… I just don’t remember what I have to do to get it to work again.
That’s about it. I’m just happy to be back online at the moment.
by Matt | Jun 4, 2003 | Personal
Well, I’m back. We drove all night and we pulled into the drive-way at about 8am. I just woke up from a very well deserved nap. I already unpacked the car but was told not to bother putting stuff in my room since the house is on the market and is “being looked at” and everything needs to be clean and perfect. I remember when Chris was going through this… I’m not going to be a happy camper, I can tell already. Also, I can’t set up my computer. I’m using my parents shitty 333mhz with Verizon DSL. I can’t check my mail, I can’t play games and most importantly I can’t get my list of potential employers and their contact info. I’ll see if I can convince them to let me set it up. I also need to call Chip and see if I (and my PC) can crash at his house every once and a while so I can actually use the internet without a giant hassle.
Also, about the internet. They have Verizon DSL right… is it odd that they have to “sign on” like a dial up, user name and password and everything? I thought DSL worked just like cable and it was simple “on” 24/7. I guess I was wrong. So… since I obviously don’t have their user name and password, I can’t jack in on my side. Even if I split it with the router, how would I connect? Arg. So, no internet for Matt. This makes him very very angry.
So, in case I don’t post ALL FUCKING SUMMER… now you know why. Please, anyone who reads this, call me instead of email. I can’t get it until I figure out what to do about this.
The drive itself was ok. I was raining from D.C. to New York so that was a bit unpleasent. That’s about it. I’m going to go start the 30 loads of laundry I need to do. Remember… call, NOT email.
Later (hopefully).
by Matt | Jun 2, 2003 | Personal
Goodbye Savannah.
After four years of art school, I say goodbye to the people and places that made my college life the wonderful journey it was. This is where I met my wife-to-be and made friends that will last a life time. Freshmen and Sophomore years were a complete blur in the dorms. The pace was so fast it’s almost as if they never happened. Oglethorpe House will always be the place in my mind where we all had the most fun… and the most drama. The Sensitive 8, as we called ourselves, will always be a part of my college memories. Then it was out of the dorms for two years closer to freedom. Now I’m free and I feel like I’ll miss all this more than I should. I feel like I’m leaving a big piece of my life behind and that I won’t get a big enough piece to fill it until November when my life becomes truly complete. So, what is my life until the wedding? Am I in some weird holding pattern, circling above, waiting for the conditions to be right? I suppose so. I don’t know. I have such mixed emotions about this whole thing. On one hand, I’m relieved to be done. On the other, I leave behind great friends, great teachers, a wonderful photo department and lots of memories.
There are so many reasons why these past four years were fun. There are so many people to thank for my emotional, social and artistic education.
by Matt | May 30, 2003 | Imported Entry
Hey, guess who’s graduating with honors? Me! Weird huh? I guess my average was above a 3.6, so I’m graduating Cum Laude. We found out today when we picked up our caps and gowns at graduation rehearsal. There was this weird second gold colored tassel in my bag. Come to find out I’m not a moron after all. Cool huh?
Also, after graduation rehearsal we got a phone call from Lauren’s parents. They had taken Lauren’s grandfather to the hospital because they thought he was having a stroke. Turned out to be some leg spasm and a fractured foot, or something like that. That’s a relief. We unfortunately missed our dinner reservations since we were at the emergency room with Lauren’s family. We told my family to go ahead and eat since they had just driven 18 hours and were starving, so at least they got to enjoy dinner.
At the moment I’m cleaning up and getting ready for bed. Graduation seating starts at 8am tomorrow and the ceremony is from 10-? The commonly assumed ending time is approximately 3pm. We’re a graduating class of 950 this year so it should take a little while. I’m excited.
In case anyone is up between 10-3, the ceremony will be web-cast as well. Check SCADs site for details.
by Matt | May 30, 2003 | Imported Entry
Pla… graduation rehearsal at 2:00. Lauren’s family is already here. My family is arriving at 3(ish). We have dinner reservations at 5:00. I have to pack tonight but I’m sure the family is going to be here, at the apartment, hanging out. I certainly don’t want to be packing tomorrow. Graduation tomorrow at 8am. I’m getting that “sick, butterfly” feeling down in my stomach. It’s rather unnerving. I’ve been cleaning the apartment all morning and it looks like it did before I started. I’m just whining a little. Actually, all I really want to do is win the lottery tonight and just sleep, 58 million dollars richer, for the next few months. Is that too much to ask? I hope not.
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