by Matt | May 29, 2003 | Games, Movies, Music
Remember last summer, when I was complaining that there were no quality CDs to buy, or movies coming out, or shows to see… well, not this summer my friends. Heck no.
Deep Dish will start off the summer June 10th with a massive 4 disk Global Underground set. Global Underground #25: Deep Dish – Toronto.
At Avalon in Boston, Carl Cox will be in town June 27th for Avalon’s 5 anniversary party. A few weeks later, the master of all things techno, Paul Van Dyk, will be there July 18th.
Movie wise, Bowling For Columbine will be release August 19 on DVD, The Animatrix DVD will be out June 3rd, Punch-Drunk Love is out on the 24th, and Chicago will be August 19th.
In theaters, this weekend Finding Nemo and the Italian Job come out. The Hulk, Charlie’s Angels, Terminator 3 and Pirates of the Caribbean are all mid-summer (although I’m not really interested in seeing any of those). SWAT and Tomb Raider are late summer releases (don’t care about those either).
Video game wise, it’s unfortunately bleak. At the moment, Blitzkrieg and Rise of Nations are this only things coming out (or came out this week) that are worth playing. Star Wars Galaxies comes out at the end of June for those who might care (I don’t) and Republic comes out the next day (23rd and 24th respectively). Homeworld 2 comes out at the end of August but other than that, it’s a long long wait all summer for the mother of all games, Half-Life 2, which won’t be out until September 30th. There will be a few minor releases here and there to keep us busy over the summer, but fully expect to still be playing whatever game your playing now, in August.
Despite the lack of gaming, finding a full time job should keep me fairly busy. First finding it, then working at it of course.
Alrighty, on a more personal note, my apartment is pretty messy. I really wanted to clean it up before the Arolfo’s get here tonight (and before my folks get here tomorrow) but I didn’t get to it. I’ve been busy. So, cleaning will have to be done in the middle of packing… which I also haven’t started. Damn, I’ve got a lot to do tomorrow. I probably won’t have time to post again until Sunday or so. Tomorrow is graduation rehearsal, packing, family stuff, etc. Saturday IS graduations, all 4 hours of it. Then probably dinner, then more packing. Sunday, my parents leave and I’ll have time to start packing whats left to come with me in the Matrix but since I don’t leave until Tuesday, I’ll probably relax a little.
The basic plan is for my brother to stay down here with me and drive back with me on Tuesday. Lauren’s also leaving Tuesday with Sara. So, 90% of the packing and preparations need to be done by Sunday morning, but I’ve got another 2 days to pack my car after that.
After that it’s 2 days on the road (or one really long one if you drive it strait) and then I’m home… unemployed and broke. Then the job search begins. I’ve already got 20+ names, phone numbers, etc, of NH and MA area commercial photographers. It’ll just be about making the rounds to see who needs a full time assistant at that point. If that doesn’t work out, I look for web work. If that doesn’t work out, I start looking in the Houston area and find something little to hold me over. Fingers crossed folks, fingers crossed.
by Matt | May 27, 2003 | Imported Entry
I saw this on Lauren’s AOL “headlines” and felt it needed to be quoted:
“WASHINGTON (May 27) – A majority of drivers admit they routinely speed, eat or even read while driving in a new poll designed to measure drivers’ attitudes about safety.
Ninety-one percent of drivers of all ages acknowledged at least one risky activity in the previous six months, including 71 percent who said they sped; 59 percent who ate while driving; 37 percent who used a cell phone; 28 percent who wore no seatbelt and 26 percent who used no signal when turning. Fourteen percent admitted to reading while driving.
At the same time, drivers were likely to say that someone else on the road is more dangerous than they are. Drivers ages 26-44 were most likely to engage in risky driving, but when that age group was asked which drivers should be retested to make sure they’re driving safely, 83 percent said seniors and 69 percent said teens. Only 56 percent said everyone should be retested.”
Notice how I made that passage bold in order to make it stand out…
Personally, I probably fall into the category with the rest of you. I don’t drive perfect, in fact I’m probably far from it, but I do think I’m a “good” driver. I also think everyone else on the road is a moron. Of course I don’t drive badly… no, never… not me. Just goes to show that everyone would rather blame someone else, even me. I do believe the statistics are rather accurate for once. Most of the “risky” drivers are above 25 but most of them point the finger at teenagers for being worse. Oh well. Just thought I’d share. Oh, and if you’re wondering where these numbers came from:
“The survey, released Tuesday, was conducted for Volvo Cars of North America, AAA and Partners for Highway Safety as part of a new safety campaign.”
Ok, off to class. Wish me luck with my presentations today.
by Matt | May 27, 2003 | Imported Entry
Sorry I haven’t updated in a few days, there just been a lot going on. I’ll have to make this quick because there’s a lot going on today as well.
-Got my printing done by PhotoMaster. I’m now officially “finished” with my finals.
-With Chip’s help, came up with that little New Media project I was telling you about. It’s small and silly, but check it out anyway.
-Went to a dinner party last night at Tom and Lessie’s house. Ate to much, feeling sick this morning.
That’s mostly it. Just been a lot of work on random things, trying to tie up loose ends here and there. As for the next few days, I’m going to class today to present both my Fashion portfolio and my New Media art project, then I’m officially done. Tonight I’m going to help Lauren as much as I can with Photoshop so that she can get her work to her friend Kristen to be printed (Kristen has a super nice 11×14+ printer apparently). Thursday night the Arolfo’s fly in and we’re going to go out to Savannah Smiles with them that night. Friday my family arrives and we have graduation rehearsal in the afternoon. Saturday is graduation. Sunday my folks are leaving with the mini-van packed full of my stuff. Monday (?) Lauren is leaving for TX with Sarah and Tuesday I’m leaving Savannah with the remainder of my things and heading back home.
That’s the next week. As you can see, it’s a bit hectic. I’ve got to start packing/cleaning/organizing my stuff tonight, tomorrow and Thursday because I don’t see myself having much time over the weekend with graduation and family being in town.
Speaking of graduation, this is kind of cool, the ceremony is being web-cast. It’s listed about halfway down this page. If anyone’s bored and would like to watch, it’s 10am on Saturday.
Let’s see, oh yeah, I picked the new Less than Jake and John Digweed CDs. Both are excellent and highly recommended. That’s about it. I’ve got to get back to writing my “Artist’s Statement” for class this afternoon.
My apologies if I don’t update daily these next few days. I’m sure you understand.
by Matt | May 24, 2003 | Imported Entry
It’s been an interesting day here at Matt’s PC… I’ve been messing about in Photoshop working on a New Media art piece. I could go into a really long and boring explanation about what “new media” art is but I’ll save you the headache. Basically it’s all those flash “experiments”, weird video pieces and other random art things that are mostly lumped together because of their use of technology. I don’t really like’em but for some reason I have to create one… so I did. Once Chip hops online and gives me a hand with some programming it’ll be a photo gallery of sorts. It’s based on a program/script/screen-saver for linux called VidWhacker. Basically it’s demonstrating a William Burroughs/George Orwell theory about non-linear work. They were talking about writing, I’m using it for images. For each image you click on, you view that image, altered, in a completely random fashion. The theory comes in as the debate over whether or not the pieces or manipulations are equal to the whole. Is the manipulated image better/worse/different/thought provoking/etc, more so than the original?
Like I said, this is usually applied to writing. William Burroughs used a “cut up” theory in his writing. He would write a normal page, cut in it sections, rearrange those sections and there you had it. This is a little simpler. It’s a “what you see isn’t always what you get” sort of thing.
Anyway, that’s nearly done. I’ll feed you guys a link tomorrow so you can check it out.
That’s it for the moment, I’m sure I’ll come up with something else later.
by Matt | May 22, 2003 | Personal
Yup, the RedSox just crushed the Yanks 12-5. Jason Varitek and Manny Ramirez each representing with multi-run homers. Of course… since this is High Heat Baseball 2004, it’s obvious that the Sox were going to win… since I was the one doing the batting. Now, real life… that’s another story. The Sox got taken 4-2 yesterday. Hey, at least they won here in my bedroom right?
By the way, High Heat is fun. Much more so than MVP, in my opinion. MVP Baseball is a tad more “realistic” but I don’t really need a “sports simulation”. I just want to bitch smack the Yanks a little.
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