
Just so everybody knows, Matt and Lauren were successful wed on Saturday, November 1st, 2003 at approx. 5:30pm CST. It was a joyous occasion enjoyed by all in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Perry are now off enjoying a cruise someplace, and should be back in about a week or so.

T-minus 4

Well, today as I walked into work they told me to turn around and go home. I of course took that opportunity to check my email and write this. In a minute I’ll be taking off. They’re sending me home because I’ve got the sniffles and they’ll be damned if they’re responsible for me being sick for my wedding. I agree with them of course, anything to get to go home. Just wanted to let everyone know how grateful I am that they’re coming and since this will probably be the last time I’m online for the rest of the week I guess I’ll talk to everyone as they fly in. I’m really excited about Saturday and I’m super excited for our cruise. It should be great fun. Ok, I’m going to head home now so that I can take a nap before I pick up Chris from the airport. You all have my cell phone number, call me if there’s any last minute problems. Otherwise, I’ll see you at the airport. 🙂

Told you so…

I’m you’re typical privacy/freedoms freak. This made my head spin. You can all stop calling me paranoid now. I’ve been proven right. It’s all going to hell and we’re all in deep, deep crap. And it gets even better. Now they’re trying to pass them off as a “life saving device” that can help combat terrorism. I would start mentioning conspiracy theories, but I don’t think I really need to. Sleep tight.

T-minus 8

Last nights fortune cookie:

“You will soon be surrounded by good friends and laughter.”

I kid you not. Creepy huh?