Yeah. Chip did it. So did I. Not really much of a surprise. I’m supposed to be an artist. Duh.
Extroverted (E) 52.63% Introverted (I) 47.37% Imaginative (N) 55.26% Realistic (S) 44.74% Emotional (F) 60% Intellectual (T) 40% Easygoing (P) 62.86% Organized (J) 37.14%
You are an Inspirer, possible professions include – conference planner, speech pathologist, HR development trainer, ombudsman, clergy, journalist, newscaster, career counselor, housing director, character actor, marketing consultant, musician/composer, artist, information-graphics designer, human resource manager, merchandise planner, advertising account manager, dietitian/nutritionist, speech pathologist, massage therapist, editor/art director.
Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test
i hate these things too…and went ahead and did it anyway.
four way tie for me. (haha.) i’m a guide, a guardian, a specialist and an idealist…and designer was on most of those. so i guess i pass?
Introverted (I) 67.86% Extroverted (E) 32.14%
Realistic (S) 62.5% Imaginative (N) 37.5%
Intellectual (T) 56.41% Emotional (F) 43.59%
Organized (J) 59.46% Easygoing (P) 40.54%
Your type is: ISTJ
You are a Trustee, possible professions include – management,accounting, auditing, efficiency expert, engineer, geologist, bank examiners, organization development, electricians, dentists, pharmacist, school principals, school bus drivers, file clerk, stock broker, legal secretary, computer operator, computer programmer, technical writer, chief information officer, police officer, real estate agent.