Just found out this morning that the Mozilla teams just released FireFox 0.8 and Thunderbird 0.5. I’d switched to FireFox, which until now was known as Firebird, months ago as my browser of choice and recently gave Thunderbird a try and I’ve loving it. You can check out the main news page here (firefox and thunderbird), but it’s been down for the past few hours because it’s getting hammered with requests for the downloads… I was going to give you guys the links to the direct downloads but I figured I’m the only one that would be using them under Windows anyway, so what would be the point. So, since there’s no point in giving you the windows links, I’m going to give you the whole release directory and you can pick what you want, all the releases (osx, winxp and linux) should be there… Thunderbird & FireFox. You’re welcome.
Other than that it’s the same old thing around here. It’s Monday, so I have the day off, so I’m sitting here in the computer room in my bathrobe at 10:30 in the morning. I’ve got two rather expensive cigars here on my desk, one for me and one for Nagle, ceremoniously of course, and I might have to enjoy one of those this afternoon on my veranda. I’ve also got redesign on my mind as I think most of you do to, well, at least those of you with web pages. I dunno, it’s spring, new things need to happen with web pages. I guess technically it’s only spring here in Texas, so maybe I’m speaking too soon. Regardless, I’ve got a design that I like and I’ve asked Nagle to take a look at it since he’s the bomb in terms of design. It’s actually a pretty simple design. Centered, one main pannel and a smaller one to the right. That’s about it. It’s got a little worn/grunge/WWII fighter plane sort of look to it. Metallic and retro. You’ll dig it. I’m going to keep the main design a surprise, but I will show you this as a teaser:

In fact, if you liked that, how about a wallpaper or two…
That’s about it kids, I’m off for a long and well deserved day of R&R. Later.
i want to know what the ceremony is…not that i’m complaining about the possibility of some nice stogie goodness…but i’m in the dark over here.
anyhoo, like i told matt, i’ve seen the redesign and the site is tight…looking forward to the launch and to see it chock full of content.
matt, you’re so right about the redesign thing, i’m in the process (for offbrand at least).
again though, ceremony?
Nothing pomp and circumstance or anything. More like, “there should be a 3rd story ohouse balcony in front of me while I have this” or “since Nagle isn’t here, I’ll save it for him”. That kind of thang.
oh those were the days. save it for me indeed. 😀
this really doesn’t have anything to do with anything but since you people (matt specifically) are the only people who i know that read penny arcade…the one for today (2/11) not the comic so much but the news post just about made me laugh my balls off….and what is one laughing his balls off if he can’t share it with his friends. so let’s all haha together