Wedding, Solo-Style
Well, we just got back from our big weekend. Actually, we weren’t supposed to be back for another two days, but I’ll get to that. Saturday was my first wedding by myself. Paul wouldn’t be there and the photography was completely under my control. I have to admit I was a little nervous about doing it. I wasn’t really worried about “getting the shots”, meaning to get the photos I needed to have the wedding covered from a technical basis, I was more worried about the level of “coolness” I would get. I was sure I could get it done and get what I needed but I was really hoping to have a portfolio piece at the end. I think I might have done it. It was all the way up near San Antonio so there was quite a drive involved as well. The wedding went well with the exception of some timing glitches and my flash unit breaking down mid-cake cutting, but I had a backup and it really wasn’t any big deal. I had gotten there early enough to scout out some interesting looking spots near the church for backgrounds and so I was ready to go when the bride eventually got ready an hour late. The reception proved a little more challenging. Everything was outside and it was dark and wooded around the site. That meant I was going to have to blast things with full power from my flash and even then I’d get a subject in the foreground and pitch blackness behind them. I think I over worked my poor little Quantum QFlash to death because of it. It was fine up until the cake-cutting and then the battery suddenly went from full and happy to empty and really pissed off. That was fine, I had backup. I shot with the 550 for a little while and put the quantum in it’s recharger to catch a breather. The rest of the evening was pretty mundane. They had a rather small crowd, only about 70 people or so, and they were quite content to sit around and drink beer and talk. That was fine with me, I needed a little break. At that point it was 11pm and I had been on the road, driving up there since 10am.
After the reception I headed back to the motel where Lauren was waiting for me. It was a crappy, rundown little hole of a place but it was free so I couldn’t really complain. The plan was to stay there another night or two and enjoy San Antonio and the area. That plan had counted on the hotel room being acceptable and it wasn’t. Of course all the other places in the area had been booked solid because of the retarded NCAA basketball series in San Antonio that weekend. I hate basketball. Never was there a more pointless and overrated activity. I will give it “sport” status however, unlike Nascar, but we’ve already talked about that. Anyway. So, instead we decided to drive back and have some fun around here. Tonight we’re heading down to Kema, this boardwalk/restaurant area thingy. I plan to have myself a tasty steak and kick back and relax.
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