by Matt | Apr 16, 2007 | Work
Today was a very interesting day. It could be said that the job I have allows me to meet and interact with people I normally wouldn’t. I’ve met CEOs of major companies, athletes (both famous and rookie) and various people in positions of influence. This weekend we took pictures for Little League, the organization. They’re in Houston having their 27th International Congress, something they do every 3 years. On Friday I had the opportunity to meet future hall-of-famer Dale Murphy, the former Atlanta Braves star. Today, speaking at their luncheon, I had the pleasure of meeting former president Bush and his wife Barbra. While that was certainly nice and all, I have met presidential type people before. I’ve met both Al Gore (while he was VP) as well as current president Bush. The highlight for me today was meeting and talking to Karl Ravech. He was the emcee for todays event.
What really got to me was, during his presentation, he was talking about “emotional moments in sports” and, of course, he brought up the 2004 Red Sox. He grew up in New England and has always been a long time Sox fan. He echoed every New Englanders thoughts and said “growing up, it had been pounded into me that the Red Sox just weren’t going to ever win”. He was lucky enough to be at the World Series, and down on the field when they won. He described the emotion and the tears of joy. It was very moving. I was getting a little misty behind the camera.
Thanks Karl. Thanks for making me cry about the World Series…. Again! Cause I sure as hell did the first time.
by Matt | Apr 13, 2007 | Friends and Family, Music
My good buddy Jason just released an album for his band The Amblotics entitled “Fist Fight in Your Crotch”. Completely free download. Check it out HERE. Definatly good stuff. Awesome job bud!
Oh, and since he doesn’t have any album art for it, I thought I’d share what I’m using. It makes me smile every time I open WMP or iTunes and this pops up as the artwork.
Scratch that. I like this better. God bless Photoshop.

full sized
by Matt | Apr 11, 2007 | Culture
This is money. Bill Nye talking about the gyroball.
“At any rate, the key to this seems to be that Matsuzaka is some kind of smooth athlete. He can throw with his wrist going all different directions and not ruin his muscles and ligaments in the process, at least so far. He’s just good at it.”
by Matt | Apr 2, 2007 | Web
If you tried to register for the SN forums between 10am and 3pm (central) then you may not receive a confirmation/activation email. I had neglected to turn on the SMTP options for the forums. Sorry about that. If that applies to you (and I know there were 2 “guests” who were on around that time), leave a comment (or send an email) with your username and I’ll activate it through the admin panel. Or, conversely, you can just re-register and this time you should get an email for sure. Sorry about the mix up.
by Matt | Apr 2, 2007 | Web
Just a little heads up that the forums over at SavvyNation are up and running. I got phpBB installed this morning and things seem to be looking ok. I’ve decided to get the forums up and the website finished before releasing any content. That way, when I start putting things out on iTunes, Odeo, Podpickle, etc, people will actually have something to go to.
If you guys have any interest at all, please register at the forums and I’ll make you moderators right on the spot. Even if you don’t want to “moderate” anything, having a few members would go a long way. Also, feel free to start chatting it up in there, if for no other reason than to help me make sure it’s atually working. There’s a general/off-topic section as well as things like games and movies. If you have any suggestions on addition categories to add, please let me know.
As an update on the actual podcast itself, I’ve recorded 3 episodes, which are about dated tech-news topics at this point. It’s all just practice for me. I’d like to be able to talk coherently when I “go live” with this thing. I figure I’ll get 8 or 10 “practice” episodes under my belt before I start publishing them. My plan is to do them on Mondays since it’s my only real day off. I’ll try and record in the morning, lightly edit by lunch and post episodes Monday night. At least that’s the plan. We’ll have to see how it goes.
So, anyways, register in the forums, tell your friends, all that good jazz.
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