Mail Week: Day Five – Dimwit GQ Loot

Moving away from return packages for the moment, I also received the group case break loot from Sam’s 2013 Gypsy Queen case. He landed plenty of awesome autos and relics, but unfortunately, I was hitless. On the bright side, that landed me an extra spot in the “whole set” raffle. With shared dupe base cards alone Sam was able to put together 3 complete sets, and I got randomized one of them!


Mail Week: Day One – Hot Corner Cards

Normally I’d consider “internet strangers” to be the last people I’d give my home address to, but you guys continue to amaze me with your generosity, not only to me, but to each other. It should stand as a testament to the spirit of the card community that we complete trades and send each other packages on a weekly, sometimes daily basis, with such free and complete generosity. This week I wanted to mention, and show, some of the packages I’ve received in response to my first round of mailings a couple weeks ago. I’m going to spread them out over a couple days, so I hope you don’t mind.
