Unknown Awesome


I just got a mystery package, an awesome “B Strong” car decale. I have no idea which one of you to thank, but “thank you!”

Anyone recognize “Diamond Graphics” in Rhinebeck NY?

Buchholz RCs

I have roughly (and this is a completely imaginary number) 400 Clay Buchholz rookie cards. Or so it seems. 2008 was the year of a million products and he was a hot rookie. There’s a Buchholz rookie in nearly every product from that year. Sometimes, as I’m about to show, multiple rookies cards at that.


Brock Holt

The way I pick player collections is this: I don’t. They pick me. After stacking up an inordinately large number of the same player I start to contemplate adding him to my non-Sox player collection. If I get a hit or an auto from that player later on, then I’m pretty much sold. It’s meant to be. You can blame my insane amount of Ryan Zimmerman relics for this policy

What’s even weirder is when that person is traded to the Red Sox later.

Enter Brock Holt. Quite honestly, that’s the best baseball name I’ve ever heard. I can’t see a “Brock Holt” doing anything other than playing a professional sport. Either that or being a kick-ass space Marine in some sci-fi movie. With a name that badass, you have few options.


Slow Work Day

Was having a slow day at work and wanted to stretch the creative muscles a little.


