Actual phone calls or voice mail messages we’ve gotten at work this week. Names have been changed to protect the absolutely stupid:

Voicemail Msg: “Hello, this is Janet, I’m looking for a wedding photographer for my daughters wedding, could you please call me back at… *leaves OUR phone number*”


Elderly Gentleman: “Do you sell photos?”
Me: “Yes, yes we do”
EG: “Wonderful, I’d like to order some pictures from my daughters wedding”
Me: “Alrighty sir, what is your daughters name?”
*shuffles papers trying to find that particular wedding*
Me: “Sir, when did we shoot this wedding?”
EG: “You didn’t, but the photographer that did has gone out of business”


Voicemail Msg: “Hello, this is Marsha, we had our pictures taken yesterday, are they ready yet? Please call me back at…”


Young Woman: “Yes, I’m having problems accessing your website, I’m using AOL and it keeps saying “unable to connect”, could you help me?”
Me: “Certainly, have you tried the website on a different computer or different web browser”
YW: “Not yet, I haven’t even connected to AOL yet, I just wanted to make sure it was working before I did”
*Matt slams head into desk*


You know, I didn’t believe those tech-support horror stories until I was actually involved with one or two. Oh well, it’s not like pageant contestants are the smartest people on the planet anyway.

That’s all for today kids. Later.