Well kids, it’s been an interesting day. I’m not even sure how many of you are going to get to read this. Seems my DNS stuffage had been messed up. Chip fixed it, but it’ll take a day or two to straiten out. Other than that, it was a mildly productive day. I’ve almost finished the new layout and such. You can take a sneak peak of that here. I made some nifty buttons for those who didn’t have one. Feel free to take them and use them yourselves guys. I’m going to try and do away with text links, but it’ll be a slow process. The buttons were first, then the table, then the top, tomorrow I’ll work on the links inside the site. I also need to clean up some back pages, they won’t match the new layout. Anyways, that’ll be over the next few days. Tonight, me and Chip are going to go see “The Score”, which should be fun. Jeff and Chris are going down as well, so we may see them there. I’m gonna go figure out the plans for the night. Later.
Current Mood: somewhat happy
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